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Had a parent tell me was very turned off by travel ball, not because of the baseball, the conduct of the parents.

parents routinely told everyone how great their kid was and proceeded to trash their own teamates and say how thier kid was so much better than other kids on the team and that kid was no good and stuff like that.

College coaches will avoid these parents kids like the plague. No one wants to put up with the dad.
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I once coached a young man that was so extremely talented. He was a lefty pitcher and won 35 games in his high school career. I once asked him and his father what was it about themselves that made them so humble. Note, he went on to have a cup of coffee with the Los Angeles Dodgers in the bigs. Tommy's response was, "Coach, if you're that good, you'll never have to say it for yourself. Everyone else will be too busy saying it for you." Pretty smart kid. He went on to pitch at Notre Dame under Coach Murphy who is now at some place in Arizona and then the Dodgers. I figure if this family could be so humble, then that is a pretty good standard for most families. BTW, he also pitched and hit us to a state championship as well. manrunning

"There comes a time when you have to stop dreaming of the man you want to be and start being the man you have become." Bruce Springsteen
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When I found the HSBBWEB I thought it was for parents to talk about their son's.

But what I see it is is a bunch of guys who have taken control of it to promote themselves and their tournaments.

When I saw what they were doing I thought that it would be allright for me to do also but in an organized way so I built a website that coaches and scouts could use to keep abreast of my son's progress.

I have tried very diligently to get along here with others but they persist in continual post with animosity, and underlying inuendos.

My son never says a thing about all. Tim is the most humble and shy kid you will ever meet...someone has to stand up for him no one else will...he would get eaten up by the kind of guys here.

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When I found the HSBBWEB I thought it was for parents to talk about their son's.

I don't have a problem with anybody talking about their son.

I would however remind you that the site is more for parents to get help through the recruiting process than to talk about them. JMO Certainly their is a community here and their are rules and accepted forms of behaviour and disagreement. One of those is to learn when to not say anything.

the Florida Bombers
"I love the HSBBW"
tjro, I hope I didn't offend you. It was a generalization that I posted of and not any particular person. However, the concept that any player is promoted at the expense of teammates worries me as the title of this thread suggest. I certainly hope that conscientious parents promote their child through being there in every way for their child. I don't think it serves any purpose to bash another player to build anyone's son up. JMHO!

"There comes a time when you have to stop dreaming of the man you want to be and start being the man you have become." Bruce Springsteen

so as not to be accused of boasting about my son...I will just simply say

aside from being first pitcher in the rotation and cleanup batter...he is their spark plug. I have seen it happen, if he gets down even a little the team follows his lead. But he doesn't want to be captain and never has. he always lays back and let's the other kids go first... that's what i mean he leads by example...never says a word unless somone talks to him.

Originally posted by tjro:

so as not to be accused of boasting about my son...I will just simply say

aside from being first pitcher in the rotation and cleanup batter...he is their spark plug. I have seen it happen, if he gets down even a little the team follows his lead. But he doesn't want to be captain and never has. he always lays back and let's the other kids go first... that's what i mean he leads by example...never says a word unless somone talks to him.

I respect you for loving your son more than anthing else as the rest of us love ours. Sometimes it's hard to be a "realist" about some things in life when our sons are involved. One day you just wake up and realize that there are 10,000 other players your son's age that are better baseball players. However, there is nothing wrong with chasing that dream. That's all any of us do.

Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game—and do it by watching first some high-school or small-town teams.
Jacques Barzun
NY Times 31 May 81

Thanks for your response...

The Standard Operating procedure here is if I post to much in their opinion they close the let me just say that, I don't view my son as any better than anyone else as a person. but as a ballplayer he has a heavy responsibility for the success or failure of his team. It is more difficult for him when he knows that he is not part of a team that is predicted to win the championship. So each individual play has more significance to the overall impact of the teams success.

I know this may sound trite, but teams do look at certain players to give them a lift. Until he made that play the other night the team looked dead and dying, but after he came back to the dugout you could see they had new life.

Why is this important because he functions solely and strictly as a ballplayer, not as a complete person in his setting. The politics on the team are driven by others and they have sway over who's accepted and who isn't. Not once in the entire time he has been a member of his team has he been invited or included in any function outside of the team.

He functions as an entity, not as a peer. So he has learned to remain engaged but not envolved. School rah rah is nothing of interest to him and he looks forward to moving on to the next level of BB, which ever that is.

His goal, if possible for him is to be drafted and start his career in the minors. If not he will play at a community college and go from there.

Not once in the entire time he has been a member of his team has he been invited or included in any function outside of the team.

Wonder why that is?
School rah rah is nothing of interest to him and he looks forward to moving on to the next level of BB, which ever that is.

Sometimes you've got to let folks know that you want to be envolved.

Just an observation.

Herzog's Rules
1. Be on time.
2. Bust your butt.
3. Play smart.
4. Have some laughs while you're at it!

I am being completely sincere when I ask you:

Why are you always acting as if you are a victim? You wish to be taken seriously and respected, yet you are constantly inferring that the world is against you.

If you use this for motivation (or whatever), that is fine but stop talking about it. You would get much more respect simply by doing that.

You have a talented son from what I can gather. I do not see how your actions on this message board will help him. I know several college coaches frequent this board and you are the type of parent they would shy away from regardless of Tim's talents. What are you trying to accomplish?

Please do not mistake my tone - I am being respectful and sincere. I am just very curious as to your answers.
Originally posted by tjro:
The Standard Operating procedure here is if I post to much in their opinion they close the thread...
It's not about posting too much pal. It's about posting the same "poor baby me" c-r-a-p over and over. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we're sick of hearing it. It's you against the world. Great. Now can we please move past that or are you going to continue to beat us over the head with it?

Geez!!!!! Enough already. pull_hair

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"as a ballplayer he has a heavy responsibility for the success or failure of his team".

and all these years I thought my sons coaches and teamnates were all part of the success and failure of a team... Now I can tell him it is was all his fault his HS team went 24-1 and the following year, didn't make it to the playoffs.. The other 15 on the team had nothing to do with it.. It was all him..

Baseball IS NOT a one player sport, NO ONE PLAYER is responible for the highs and lows of a team and there is NOTHING you can tell me that will change the fact that it is a TEAM, a play can motivate a team and pump them up but of all nine players TOGETHER don't feed off of the play then the great play doesn't matter in anyway.

I wish Tim all but the very best in his dream, if this is his dream but you have yet to tell us his dream.. This is YOUR dream for him and the worst thing that can happen is for a player to be playing for their parents.. If this is his dream.. wonderful and we are all here to support him in it.. Please though make sure that the opinions about him stay at home because if those opinions carryover to a college program, he won't last two days.. the program won't allow it and the players won't allow it..

Not to be smart here but I do have a question.. Tim come home tomorrow and tells you he wants to give up baseball and all other sports.. What is your response??

"Baseball, it is said, is only a game. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole."


Preach it, FlippJ, Preach it! Eek

In reading a long time, and being involved in some of the same threads for a short time, about one in five of your posts are very insightful and well thought's those other four that cause angst among the brethren. Roll Eyes
Example (that may not directly apply to you so don't go off)...Sammy Sosa...we've heard about where he's come from, what he's come through, blah, blah, you know what I think of immediately after the talent? That's right, CORKED BAT! Doesn't matter how much he blathers about "for the people", "humility" and so on...CORKED BAT, BABY! Razz Can I get a witness? biglaugh

Talent Is Never Enough!
I don't mean to butt in, and I certainly don't want to get on anybody's bad side, but did I miss a post in the beginning where someone mentioned Tim? I mean Dibble makes a good generic post, two or three people follow up, and then TJRO comes in and talks about how great and humble his son is...did I miss something? Did someone mention his son in this thread prior to that post? It seems to me like as soon as I see a thread that discusses a possible fault a player and/or parent might have, tjro joins in and the thread degrades and he begins to talk about his son's greatness and humility, and how Tim possesses none of those faulty traits. I have no problem with that, so long as it pertains to the subject matter AND the integrity of his son was in question. It seems to me to be a matter of insecurity to feel the need to relate everything to your son and explain to the world how great he is. Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but tjro, it's getting to be annoying.

NJ Pitch
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I guess I've been off base on these boards. Therefore:

I think my kid is by far the best player on his team. I think all the other players and all the other parents are jealous of him and of us.

Since all the scouts need to come and see him, because he'll be a star someday soon, he'll be playing in a tournament this weekend. ...

Of course, I'm talking about hockey. Opening day for him in baseball is Wednesday. And now, I'm officially in a lot of trouble.

So, did I (finally) do it right?
Oh, and while I'm in the moment...why can we expect any more when all the "professionals" are getting there way by "Wah Wah Wah"...Terrell Owens, Allen Iverson, Barry (why does Barry get the privilege of using anniversary of father's's a sympathy ploy, I tell ya'). Not trying to be insensitive to that but don't you think there are hundreds out there with similar circumstances? pull_hair Sorry, just venting. Roll Eyes

Talent Is Never Enough!
NJPitcher - this is what happens. I don't know why, but indeed the original intent of the threads that tjro posts on almost inevitably fall apart in a whirl of contention. It would really be best if no one responded to those posts of his they don't like - just bypass and continue on with the original thread.

"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive."
Roberto Clemente #21

Hey Oldman -

I think my son is better than your son and I have game tape(s) to prove it LOL..

Sure miss those summer showcases..

Maybe one day our two teams will meet again and we can chat up the sidelines some more..


"Baseball, it is said, is only a game. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole."


NJPitcher06....Exactly my sentiments-I was expecting to get some insight and experiences about the above topic and it immediately went south(or west depending one's perspective).

To all those who will jump up here and say "If you don't like
what is being posted, don't read it!" Kind of difficult to
to assess something without seeing it first.

Just a note...Last night at the UofM/ S. Florida game. A "screaming" line drive was hit down the right field line at
least 10 feet inside the line and the right fielder-Brian Barton,very fast--did not come within 20 feet of catching it.
He was playing straight away RF.(This is in response to another thread). Wasn't there a story about a little boy and
a wolf?

Originally posted by Dibble:
Had a parent tell me was very turned off by travel ball, not because of the baseball, the conduct of the parents.

parents routinely told everyone how great their kid was and proceeded to trash their own teamates and say how thier kid was so much better than other kids on the team and that kid was no good and stuff like that.

I coached both Travel and Rec teams and I saw the Trash Talk more on the rec team then the Travel. The parents on our team seemed to understand that every player on the team was very good, and each had strengths and weaknesses.

On the rec team we had a few parents who thought their sons were going on to the pros straight out of 8th grade and couldn't figure out why their little Johnny was batting 12th in the order, he was certain better then the #2 hitter.

Of course it is very possible I saw the problem more in the rec league because I could pick and choose my travel players (and parents). While the Rec. players (and parents) were assigned to me.

Play every game as if it were your last
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On my son's HS team, when a player makes a HR, big play, etc. it is considered a team effort. He goes by the philosophy of the old expression, there is no I in the word team.
Kids are very smart, they realize there is a pecking order. We try to encourage that the seniors mentor the younger ones and have things for them to all participate in...called team bonding. We do this as a parent group instead of relying on the coach. This is accomplished through yard cleanup or clubhouse cleanup to impromtu dinners out at the local all you can eat places. All are expected to attend or no one gets to go.
As far as trashing. The only time I have seen it done is when the parents or the player "think" they are better than anyone else.
This ranges anywhere from parents not taking their concesion time to players showing up late to practice or having an attitude they are better than then anyone else, e.g I don't have to work that hard today. You don't see it happen to often here but it does.
If your son is a good player - you will just have to deal with all the sniping. Thats life.

I had parents on my son's high school team look me square in the eye and tell me that the "team didnt need him to win".

I just laughed - and agreed.

The fact of the matter is - all the bs has nothing to do with playing the game. Just hit the ball into the lake and steal the bases and make all the plays - and very quickly - all the clowns will fade away.

Plus - nobody I know likes a whiner.

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