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Just a reminder, we all need to be paying attention to our kids. because i don't know where your from, but from around here STERIODS or so called juice seems to be pretty popular in the schools and the gym's here.any athlete in high school can tell you that if they want to get it, they can and is a shame what i found out about some kids from the local little league have been doing to become that GREAT BALL PLAYER after little league. so PLEASE parents and coach's talk to your kids and players (ask them if it's around your be very surprise)we ALL need to be is best trust me.
" Failure is not an option"
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HIRREL 13, Great Thread. It is so scary. We all can tell our kids about the dangers of drugs like marijuana etc, but when someone comes up to them and tells them hey this stuff will make you a great ballplayer, it is difficult to deal with. I for one know my son spends countless hours in the gym, lifting, running treadmil, doing medball exercises, because we talked about the dangers of doing it the easy way, and taking shortcuts. I for one, think the punishment for Major Leaguers caught using/taking steriods should be that they have to do community service, by coming and talking to High School athletes about the exteme dangers of steriod usage. Jeez, to think Little Leaguers (12 years old), are using steriods is absolutely scary. Parents, wake up and get involved in your kids lives, and find out who they are hanging with and what they are doing! If you notice a signficant change in their bodies, it may not be puberty people.
Hirrel, couldn't agree more. Gosh when I was a kid, I would have done anything to play baseball like Roberto Clemente. I truly believe we have to bombard these kids with the dangers of steriod usage. Just say no program was a huge success all across the country on the effects of taking illegal narcotics, and we have to have that same approach with steriods. If we don't it is gonna be so out of control. I think the way we have glorified athletes in this country with the media and all the money they can make, kids will do just about anything to "make it". just my opinion.
Very serious matter for our youth... One of our local players was caught and no longer on his college team.

When they see and hear what the "next level" of athletes are doing, they want to experiment and feel "I won't get caught".

Random drug testing "on a regular basis" is the key I'm afraid, from now on!
TRhit-then there should be a law,and they should not be particapating in any type of sports,it's one thing to take riods for medical reasons, but to just enhance yourself is RIDICULOUS and sends the wrong message to our kids. all athlete's should and must be tested to perform.the little jonny's should not have to work 3or4 times harder to keep up with them. it's a shame
Last edited by Hirrel 13
I attended a dinner last nite with some pretty "heavy" baseball people and this topic came up in discussion---it has to start in the home-- we, as parents, need to keep pounding it into the kids heads that 'roids are not good.

As for the future of 'roids in MLB the feeling was that every year, if not more often, a new masking agent will be developed so players can keep taking 'roids and don't get caught using them just as they do now
A litle point those who are taking steriods have no idea exactly what they are puttng in their body. Those who deal steriods are no different than those who deal crack , cocaine or herion. They wil sell you anything

Steriod users are drug addicts, no different than a crack addict. Just look how addicted Canseco is, he is selling everything he has because he needs money and still using steriods.

Not playing ball any more, why is he using, he is an addict

I dont give autographs--you may want to reproduce them and sell them on ebay--LOL

As for the people-- Rico Petrocelli is the name you would probably know-- another was gentleman who owns the Rock Kats in New Britain and worked for THE EVIL EMPIRE prior to that.

There were others but the names would mean nothing to you--- they included a Universioty Presidfent and a Retired Radio /TV color man

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