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Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Interesting but I am not sure I understand the logic. I'll take a wild stab that you are talking about Coach Horton up there in Oregon. If that is the case, the reason he recruits so many from California is that is probably a place he is comfortable recruiting as he had previously been at Fullerton. Moreover, I believe California produces more top talent than any other state so it would make sense for that reason alone to recruit there.

If you don't mind, I would be interested in knowing who you are referring to.

Well, Fullerton is 400 miles south of where those 10 players played, and if it was comfort, why not get the kids from there? And why should anyone feel comfortable recruiting from one place rather than another? Are there bigger liars and people misrepresenting players in some places more than others? Heck, why keep a scout or recruiter employed who would do that?

I’m not saying there’s anything nefarious going on at all, but I am saying where there’s some kind of bias or prejudice, and it makes it easier for one player than another, regardless of the their talent.

And I’m sure the same thing I noted takes place all over the country. After all, it doesn’t make a great deal of sense to send recruiters from say NC to Az when there’s plenty of great players within driving distance.
i believe it is a combination of talent and luck. My 2013 when he first played t-ball his coach who picked him off a list had been a college player. He insisted the boys learn to throw and catch and every practice was primarily about that. Son was always one of the best players on any team he played for after that. At 10 he wanted to learn to pitch. I found a AA pitching coach close to home extremely reasonable who has worked with him every off season since. He has been all district on the HS team from Freshman to now. His coach has many contacts and this year every district game he pitches has SEC and Big 12 along with other scouts in the stands. He will be district MVP this year. Not sure if any of the SEC Big 12 etc schools will make an offer but the team as a whole is loving the attention. He has the talent but without the luck i am not sure he would be where he is.
All coaches have relationship with certain travel and high school coaches. If the Oregon coach has relationships with Norcal coaches and has had success with their players why not go to the well every year. Many businesses work on relationship building.

I must say that most times when I've haear parents complain that their son is not getting the attention other players are getting it is due to the rose colored glasses syndrome. Even when they get to college and don't get the playing time they expect it is because of something other than talent. At some point, at some level it has to be about talent.
Originally posted by fillsfan:
All coaches have relationship with certain travel and high school coaches. If the Oregon coach has relationships with Norcal coaches and has had success with their players why not go to the well every year. Many businesses work on relationship building.

Of course they do, and it would be asinine to think otherwise. My point wasn’t to say anything was wrong, but simply to point out that while there is truth to the saying, “cream will rise to the top” when talking about moving up the baseball “ladder”, there are many factors other than talent that have just as much bearing on a player’s advancement. Will there be a point at which the talent MUST be there? I have to say most of the time, but not always.

I must say that most times when I've haear parents complain that their son is not getting the attention other players are getting it is due to the rose colored glasses syndrome. Even when they get to college and don't get the playing time they expect it is because of something other than talent. At some point, at some level it has to be about talent.

True for the majority of times that complaint is heard, but that doesn’t mean its true each and every time, or to the same degree.
To the Northern California parents, I would suggest attending the Oakland A's Area Code tryout in Stockton at the Pro Park July 5. You maybe desire to talk with the 60-80 pro scouts and college coaches as they evaluate over 100 players.

During my 17 years of operating the AC games, a few parents asked the scouts and college coaches questions. One particular parents was very curious and his 2 players have played in our Goodwill Series and in the MLB.

The parent was Mr. Larry Young, who asked very interesting questions in an effort to formulate his decisions regarding his sons future. Larry was a F-4 fighter pilot and he was assembling information.

We are producing our 5th Annual Memorial weekend tournament in Santa Rosa May 26-27-28 and our coaches and scouts will be available for your questions. Stop by!

Bob Williams

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