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This posting is for all new members...all who have recently signed on.....and are "lurking"....probably not too sure what to make of it are checking it out because you have a son....who you want to help to the next level.....because he works so hard, is a good boy, and loves baseball....well...this is the place to find the information to help him. Pay attention to the articles on recruitment....don't overlook them in your haste to check out the message boards.....but then don't underestimate the value of the board either....with'll come to see what posters have the staying power and the good information....and there are a lot who are here to help....don't know why they put up with some of the aggravation...but they do....and be thankful for that....

We took their advice.....we checked out all the articles, followed the postings and threads... we became pro-active, we worked at being realistic....and we always acknowledged help when it was given.....and we got a lot of it here....

Our son is going on to play at the next level....he committed to a school last week. He has found a college that matches all of his criteria...and...without a is because we trusted in the information we received here...and followed up with it...

Pay attention....don't be timid about asking questions and/or posting....and when all is said and done....contribute to the site....financially and with information.....

It was not an easy trip....but thanks to it's contributers....we made it.....and when you do too....don't forget to thank them....

Thank you all who have helped...and you know who you are.....
"A house stays in one place. A home is where the heart leads........"
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Thanks for the post. What you say is so true! Oh yes, congratulations to your son too! It seems like yesterday that I “happened” on this site looking for some information...ANY information that I could use to help me understand a process I knew very little about. I think back and it’s hard to believe it’s been almost seven years now since I asked my first dumb question. I still get that good feeling when someone tells of their son stepping up to the next level, made the high school team, or received his first piece of recruiting mail. That is what the HSBBW is all about. All parents and players are venturing into new areas not knowing if this will be their best year, or possibly their last year to play baseball. It’s reassuring to know there are people that have been there before you, willing to give their opinions and share their experiences. A HSBBW “lurker” today will become a vital part of the information chain tomorrow.
Thanks HSBBW!

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