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We were discussing a certain team in the Texas forum where they are charging a couple of bucks for a tryout.

I've heard of teams in Florida that charge $500 for a tryout, if you make the team, you don't pay anymore money.

So, would you pay for your son to tryout for a Summer Team?

And how much would you pay?
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East Cobb likes to put on try-out clinics for about $50.00. Supposedly, only kids attending these try-outs will be picked for the teams. It is true a majority is picked from this lot but they do have a good many walk-ons playing on teams who didn't attend. But supporting baseball is expensive and ECB has the best of facilities/programs and I don't know their budget so charges may be necessary.
We had an unpleasant experience with a team that charged for tryouts a couple years ago. They were charging $55 for the tryout, but if you made the team you would not have to pay anything additional for a showcase-type tournament. They then selected players for the team that did not attend the tryout. It appeared to us they were financing their team by inviting players to the tryout that they never had any intention of selecting, which seemed to me to be a pretty underhanded way of operating.

I would rather pay a higher amount after my kid made the team, than get a tryout invitation only because the team wanted to make money off him before selecting someone else they already had in mind. Kind of soured us on the whole "pay to try out" idea.
Beenthere, I think it was a select team tryout not a HS team if thats what you meant. The select team my son played with had a minimal tryout fee, it covered overhead and included a tee shirt. The tryout had a few college and pro scouts in attendace and lasted all day. If he had not made the team I still think the entertainment cost was worth it. It was one of those costs you can live with.
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I've heard of a few teams/organizations in the DFW area charging $10-$15 for a tryout, presumably as a tool to limit spots for more serious players. (ie, so players/parents don't just show up on a whim to tryout for a team just to see what happens) While I understand the concept, generally it's not something I'd support.

I suppose if the team's coaches are paid, some part of the tryout fees could compensate them for their time.
These teams charge you to try out for their teams for one reason, PROFIT!!!! Some may sugar coat it and give you reasons why they are charging you. But the bottom line is they hope to make a dollar or two of of you. Which is o.k. if they would just say that or at least give the player something for his money, perhaps an evaluation from the professional coach that the org. has hired. Something useful like that not just a T-shirt, which probably promotes the team.
I would NEVER EVER pay for the priveledge of trying out for one of these teams. I also would like to echo BeenThere's comments!!!!!

Coach Dubya,
Just wondering, why would a team want to limit the number of players coming to their tryout??? That sounds somewhat counter-productive to me. Don't you want as many players there as you can get, even the one's that come out "just looking"??

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