Our booster club dues are $50 per family. Each players fundraising obligation is $300.00, but in essence our kids play for free, because even if they do not raise a dime or pay dues they cannot be left out of play. The booster club raises money to take care of our facilities, additional uniforms, equipment, tournament fees, senior gifts, baseball yearbook, end of year dinner and anything else you can think of that may be associated with the team. It costs about 30K a year to keep us going. We are constantly coming up with new ways to raise money. The school takes money at the gate which pays for buses and umpires. The school just got one set of new home uniforms for varsity, the old ones were literally falling apart. There is no money in our school system to support any type of sports, so parent booster clubs here are a neccessity. Football is the exception because their attendance at the gate pays for itself. When new parents come into baseball, they are quite shocked at what the school does not do for their child.