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I’m starting to get a little perturbed. Last year when my son was playing college ball I could listen to the games on the internet for free. This year they charge for it. I ain’t paying! Mad I am forced to go to Gametracker BUT some games don’t make it to Gametracker because the hosting team has their own “delivery system” and you have to be a member to view the live stats. Therefore I have to wait until late in the evening and go to the school’s site to see how his teammates fared. I also like to check the stats of the players he played with and against and Mississippi State happens to be one of those teams. Last night I went to the Mississippi State website, clicked on “baseball” and went to “Statistics” and I was denied access. Said it was for “Maroon To The MAX” members only and I would have to pay $25.00 ---NO WAY! This restriction stayed on for two days and was just lifted a short time ago. Two questions -- Are we forging ahead with high technology or are we just becoming more controlled by it? AND: Is this a hint of the way things are going to be in the very near future?
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People charge for anything people are willing to pay for.

We are either taxed or charged for necessities as well as luxuries. The greatest necessities we are taxed and charged.

If we use the power of the purse then and only then things will change.

I laugh daily that high speed internet, cable TV and cell phones are now considered necessities. Can you imagine being considered 'poor' and having these luxuries?

We keep paying and people will keep charging.
I understand everyone’s point here, but there is another way to look at these things. Everything can’t be free! All the things mentioned in this thread take manpower, equipment, operational costs, etc., it cost money (sometimes a lot) to produce these products and services.

One only needs to look at how they themselves make a living to realize certain things can’t be free. Someone has to pay the costs involved… in this case either sponsorship/advertising or the consumers. Even the newspapers we read cost money. Cable television is not free. Regular television and radio is free, but you only get to hear what the advertisers pay for.

The best part is… It’s always our choice whether to pay or not pay. And it is someone else’s choice whether to produce or not. Anyway, that’s my take on it.

I think the internet has spoiled us a little by providing so much free information and entertainment. Don’t know how old everyone here is, but I’m continually amazed by the internet.

As you know I have you by a few years in age but I feel the same--we managed before the internet but the internet has now brought borders closer together and given all of us the opportunity to know and meet people we would never have met in the baseball world not to mention other facets of our life

Many of the things we do on the internet, this site for instance, are free.

Not to mention googling for info we need and that is a great free facility.

I too am amazed at what we can do on the internet. I have found guys I played with in LL not to mention HS and college and have been able to get in touch with them and renew acquaintances of many moons ago. I have been able to talk with bbscout who put me in touch with a player I knew thru my teens who went to the bigs and then became a coach in the pros. He had worked for the same team that bbscout did and he had the home phone number I needed

Everything comes with a price and when I figure all the things I get for free on the internet the cost of paying for other things is insignificant in the overall scheme of things.

If it is worth it to you you pay the price if not you do not !!! It is that simple.

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