PS III loves Mizzou. He does not complain about the work or the hours. He believes his old man is on a "need-to-know" basis....and, at this point, I just don't need to know much.
From my perspective -- and I know many here will disagree -- I feel like as long as I pay for it, I want to know more. But, it's going good. His team was 100% intrasquad this fall, so the hecklers will come soon enough. Ken is right -- most of the parents are on the outside, looking in -- and that's the way it should be, I suppose.
My only fear for these guys is that they have a tendency to put all of their eggs in the baseball basket. He did fine academically, but the work load was not exactly strenuous. It was one semester....the school work will get tougher. It takes tremendous commitment to play college sports. For baseball, it is particularly hard because the guys cannot work and it is difficult to take classes in the summer. It is a year-round job that takes ongoing passion and love for the game. Most 19-21 yr olds don't like to ask mom and dad for money (although mine is refining the art).....I suppose that's a drawback to the never-ending grind.
This semester will be challenging with the travel, school and baseball pressures, not being able to come home, added competition, etc. Maybe I'll blog a bit for the benefit of the parents that follow. In any case, it is his chosen path for now.....and God continues to bless him with open doors. Stay tuned.
Oh -- and YES! DB -- the mistakes get hit -- HARD! It's a challenge to get outs with good pitches, let alone balls up, with little movement.