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what would u describe as a perfect day in terms of work ethic and practice. I would love to hear some stories about the work ethics of the players on this board. For instance, a perfect day of practice for me would be:
7:30-9: sprint work and conditionig
9-10: Hitting drills off tee, softtoss
10-11: defense specific quickness and agility workout

1-3: infield drills
2-3: more hitting fundamentals and drills
3-4: throwing- drills, long toss, weighted balls, rotator cuff excersises
4-6:30- on-field work, groundballs and hitting on field

7- 8 cage hitting off machine or live arm
8-9:30 weight lifting

almost like a day at a good baseball camp. I kinda stretched it at the end there with no dinner break. Obviously that schedule is practically impossible, as it gave no travel time, say to go from the field to the cages, and it would be quite exhausting without any significant breaks after lunch.
How would some of your perfect days go, or how do your days go if u are a succesful player or if you have a succesful or hardworking son what is there work ethic like during these summer days? I would love to hear some ideas that i could put into my own schedule or draw inspiration from.
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