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Official Invitation arrived today.

Due date for Registration is due by June 30.

OK, I never thought I would have the slightest bit of hesitation in doing this IF Meat was invited.

I know this is a good thing but after the Area Code Games Tryout being free it is a lot harder to right the $549 check.

I need some help, I know I could find the information some where on the web but asking this community to voice their opinions again usually yields better information.

So, I have some questions:
1) How does a player get invited?
2) How selective are those invitations?
3) Who has paid the fee and what were your experiences?

Thank you ahead of time for ALL your answers even the off the wall ones.
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If you have the money, I would highly recommend taking your son to the showcase. He will see that he's really not as good as he thinks he is, which should help him to realize that he needs to work even harder to become the best player he can be. This is assuming he wants to be the best he can be of course. I mean this in a good way I promise from experience. I'm not really saying this about him specifically, but all players in general that are good enough to be invited to this type of showcase. I hope this makes sense!!
One thing I found very valuable that I didn't expect was the report they write up on every player. Sure the times and numbers may be mixed up, but their assessments of my ability and their descriptions were very on-par on how I'd describe myself. I ended up using it for letters and stuff. At least, if you do it, your kid's name is "out there."
My son attended last year's South Underclass showcase. He was an incoming junior and we thought it was very worthwhile for him to attend at that stage. It was held at Baylor and the only scouts there (other than PG staff members) were Baylor coaches.

He got some tangible measurements of his skill (they time the 60, IF and OF velocity, pitching velocity, etc.) and a very thorough report assessing his skills and strengths. (This report is a condensed version of what you can find on Perfect Game Crosschecker's site. The annual subscription is $200, but if you know someone with a subscription, they can hopefully provide your son's report to you for free.)

Our son's rating gave us a realistic idea of what college level he can play at. (He made an 8 and it was helpful for us to know this because he played baseball at a private school, and before the showcase we weren't sure how he rated compared to players at large public school programs. If your son is a public school player, I still think it would be helpful to know how he rates compared with other players.) He was also named to the Top Prospect Team, and we used this information plus his PG report to place on a baseball resume that was sent out to college scouts. It was helpful to have unbiased, objective information to pass on to those who might be interested.
Last edited by Infield08
I agree with a lot of what infield said; however, I know for a fact that one of the best prospects didn't make the top prospect team at that same thing. There was also a kid who made over 6 errors and still made the prospect list. My point is to not "diss" PG. As a player (the kid who made 6Es) had better "tools", but obviously struggled in the game. Sometimes prospects can do that. So what I'm saying is don't worry if you mess up some, and don't worry if you don't make the "list". It's based on tools... but the written report seemed to be consistently right on.
Pg runs in my opinion the best tournaments bar none, from facilitys to umpiring to competition.
(YES, better than AABC) We have been to many of there events. personally have not been to one of there showcases yet, but the players that I know who have gone PG has nailed!!!

My son will attend one this fall/early next year as a senior (I would recomend at least one PG showcase for exposure/evaluation)... he has in my opinion been too small to "shine" until now.

As far as invite's they go by roster's if you are on a WWBA or PG roster you will get an invite regardless of talent...
Last edited by John G.
PG and AABC are two different animals. PG is more of a scouting organization helping players get noticed. It has done a good job at doing it too.

AABC is team oriented and is there for baseball teams to play games in leagues that will eventually lead to a national champion in each division. It was never intended to do what PG is doing. Strictly a team thing.

I like AABC for the pure baseball aspect of it. I can assure you that a ton of scouts go to the AABC post season tournaments too. I've never been to PG, but I'm sure I will some day. Until that day comes, I'll keep heading over to Big Al's field, talking to the scouts there, making sure MMWS and his crew are well taken care of, chasing foul balls when necessary, picking up a rake every now and then, cutting the grass if needed and watching some great 15 and 16 year old teams battle it out.
It's my understanding that PG hosts two types of events:

1)Showcase Tournaments (WWBA and BCS) are where you bring your complete team, play in front of PG scouts, get placed in the PG database and if your son plays well they will make notes in his file.

2)Showcase Events where individuals are rated and scored in all areas of skills. He is timed in the 60, ball speed across the diamond, hitting skills and an overall score is created and placed in his file in the PG database.

Now for a few questions:

a) For those who have attended, is this accurate?
b) Are the individual players rated at the PG Showcase Tournaments(team events) as well? If so, when and how do they capture the players data?
c) Is it true that if you're at either one of these it will get you the same exposure?

I'm new at this and trying to ask the right questions BEFORE we spend our funds on these events.

Thanks, in advance, for your feedback.

(better question for PG staff) (you should call him)

To my Knowledge...

1) yes and No...Typically you will play in front of at least one PG scout/scorekeeper who will make game notes on players and game summarys (if a player "stands out" they may get noted...

Being placed in thier database is done when you attend an individual showcase...


B)No Noted in game summarys
Originally posted by MeatsDad:



My hand shakes when I write checks like that for baseball.


Perfect Game has always been one of the better organizations from what I have read on the board.....but I still have some doubt about the value...risk / reward. But, I am listening to advice like yours while I weigh the decision. Thank you.


Have you spoken with the program your son is affiliated with (I believe it's DBAT) about this "showcase" and how it compares to others?
Originally posted by NTXDAD:
Originally posted by MeatsDad:



My hand shakes when I write checks like that for baseball.


Perfect Game has always been one of the better organizations from what I have read on the board.....but I still have some doubt about the value...risk / reward. But, I am listening to advice like yours while I weigh the decision. Thank you.


Have you spoken with the program your son is affiliated with (I believe it's DBAT) about this "showcase" and how it compares to others?

No, I have not spoken to any one at DBAT. I would have talked to the coached but with all the rain-outs we haven't had a game. I will try to reach-out tomorrow.

As of now I think I will find a way to pay for this event....I had always had a Perfect Game Showcace penciled in on the agenda but for some reason I had a $375 price tag associated with it ...not $549.

Overall, my research has shown the Perfect Game rating to count for something and even if that is to just get my son's "mind right" on how to approach a try-out and to see the level of competition.
As of now I think I will find a way to pay for this event....I had always had a Perfect Game Showcace penciled in on the agenda but for some reason I had a $375 price tag associated with it ...not $549.

I'd pay $600 if it would stop raining. 3 days 8-10"...with 2-3 more days left...5 days to dry out....Games should resume on July 7th. Confused
Last edited by JAFO
After much thought and advice we have actually decided not to attend the August try-out / evaluation.

Our decision was thought about ...even prayed about and very much discussed. Danny will attend a future Perfect Game evaluation at some point just not now and just not this one.

Thank you for all your advice and comments....especially on the weather.
Originally posted by MeatsDad:
After much thought and advice we have actually decided not to attend the August try-out / evaluation.

Our decision was thought about ...even prayed about and very much discussed. Danny will attend a future Perfect Game evaluation at some point just not now and just not this one.

Thank you for all your advice and comments....especially on the weather.

Did you ever hear from your summer coach?
Hello All
I just read all the posts here - and if I am repetitive please bare with me.

Meatsdad - I too am lile you; I pray abou what is the best approach to get exposure. Some players have God's gift all over them and some like mine have a gift but have to work a little harder and also (John G ) get frustrated and have to wait on growth.

Let me share something for all; I saved some bucks to get ready for this summer and thought I would try some of these.

We completed a TPX College Coach evaluation/showcase just yesterday.
While I would like to have had more college coaches there, we had about 10 in attendance. D1, D2, DII, JUCO, NAIA etc.
The rain did mess up the planned scrimages - but we did manage to get alot done indoors. and the staff work hard to provide what they could with the rain.

I attended this one to: 1) see what they are like and 2) like many of you have said let my son see where he is and what he needs to work on but also 3) to validate where my son was in a college coaches opinion verses local coachs and our pitching instructor.

Overall - quite pleased with the professionalism, clinics, drills and evaluations on film and in person. I asked the coordinatorss what the difference was between the TPX event and PG events. His comment was that theirs are evaulations and they hire these coachs where PG staff evaluates the players. TPX has to report (if i understood correctly) these hirings to NCAA. I inquired about theior rating system and his comments was to be honest with my self, Will a person throwing low 80's get a D1 look - typically no. He implied that perhaps they inflate the ratings or as someone else stated the more you attend - the higher it goes.

I am only stating what I experienced. I HAVE NOT had the luxury (yet) of going to a PG event. I will but have not decided when.
I receive very positive feedback about PG events - they are a good group and as many have said these events allow to benchmark yourself.
One parent at TPX said he had been been to a PG event and the player coach ratio at TPX was better (never more than 8 to 1) - I am not sure the but would be the formats are different.

We have to remember they are all in this to make a profit - and I will leave you with this comment.

I received an invite the to South Underclass Showcase - and could not attend due to a conflict and filled out an invite on for the Top Prospect showcase at Blinn in August - and received an invite. No questions about my sons ability.
What does this say?

I would like to hear from people have been - and offers they either received or coaches that said "Hey I was lookin at your PG rating and..."
Originally posted by MeatsDad:

Thank you for all your advice and comments....especially on the weather.

So sorry, didn't mean to de-rail or side-track the thread discussing the weather. My bad.. Smile

This showcase was originally scheduled to be held at Baylor, which was a much more favorable location for those in the metroplex....I would think there will be a large Houston presence with the new location.
Last edited by cheapseats
Neither of my boys have ever attended a Perfect Game individual showcase..............

Matt attended two or three Perfect Game sponsored team events including the late fall Jupiter World Series.

Never received an evaluation or ranking...........

I have two paper file boxes full of recruiting materials from across the country.

Matt received TWO calls from D1 coaches.

The first Perfect Game Jupiter event that Matt went to is among my fondest baseball memories.

He guest played with Tommy Hernandez's Dallas Tigers
that year.

When we walked into the gate, I thought we were entering into the land of the jolly green giants because every kid walking in at the same time was 6'4" and so were his parents.

We have no business being here, I thought.

It was hot, humid, and Matt caught a lot of games.

As I recall, the Tiggers finished in the top 16 or 8. It was a really good run.

Probably 1500 kids there and 500-750 coaches. (That's about a 3-1 or 2-1 ratio for those that need that information)

I won't ever forget seeing a 6'8" 300+ pound kid beat out a throw to first base. I didn't know something like that could move that fast.

So, the car was parked way off and I left as soon as the last game was over to pick Matt up at the gate because I knew he was tired and dehydrated.

I heard the trunk open and the heavy catchers bag slam down, and I thought to myself, "This boy is gonna be really, really grouchy."

He just kinda slid and poured himself and his completely soaked uniform into the front seat, pushed his cap back and said, "Dad, that is the most fun I have ever had playing baseball. Can I come back next year?"

I don't remember how much it cost.

Jerry Ford is a person that you would all like and appreciate if you met him. (I haven't met him, but have had a couple of phone conversations with him and know him from his posts on here)

He does business the way most of you expect a businessman, honestly and fairly.

His service is not free. You don't work for free either.

Probably the most important things you get from a PG showcase is your 60 time, throwing speed, and hitting ability from an independent perspective.

If you get a D1 ranking you will believe it.

If you don't get a D1 ranking you won't belive it.

Rarely will a coach sign a player that they have not seem play themselves.

You will also be on every mailing list in the country.

If you can't play it won't help you a bit.

If you can play it will help you a bit.

I'm just sitting here listening to Matt's team play ball and he's 0-3 on a frozen rope line drive to the SS.

Did Perfect Game have anything to do with it.


Would I go back to Jupiter for $549?

Last edited by FormerObserver

Originally posted by NTXDAD:
Did you ever hear from your summer coach?

We talked to the high school coach and summer team and both had excellent things to say about Perfect Game. Both said he should attend a Perfect Game event. Overall the counsel was Danny has been seen, will continue to be seen and we need to leverage the right opportunities at the right time...for OUR money.

Everyone understood our decision.


I will right the check....just not this week. For those of you who the timing of this expense and event are at a better time I recommend YOU right the check.


FO - I just read your whole post. We are "writing the check", but not for the "try-out". We are sending him to Atlanta for a Perfect Game event in East Cobb, Ga. July 10 - 16 to play against the 17 /18 teams. Hotel is $100 a night plus transportation and food, rough cost will be $1,000.

Last edited by ACowboyFan
Originally posted by MeatsDad:


FO - I just read your whole post. We are "writing the check", but not for the "try-out". We are sending him to Atlanta for a Perfect Game event in East Cobb, Ga. July 10 - 16 to play against the 17 /18 teams. Hotel is $100 a night plus transportation and food, rough cost will be $1,000.


I could not resist. Big Grin

Watching your son play .....priceless

Forgive me Lord I apologize...
Overall the counsel was Danny has been seen, will continue to be seen and we need to leverage the right opportunities at the right time...for OUR money.

Very, very good advice.

Hotel is $100 a night plus transportation and food, rough cost will be $1,000.

Man, you're starting to jog my memory now.

Maybe, that's why I forgot.

One or two PG events is enough.

Maybe an individual showcase and a team showcase.

We are sending him to Atlanta for a Perfect Game event in East Cobb, Ga. July 10 - 16 to play against the 17 /18 teams.

Have a good time and the best of luck to you.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Originally posted by dfwdad08:
Originally posted by MeatsDad:


FO - I just read your whole post. We are "writing the check", but not for the "try-out". We are sending him to Atlanta for a Perfect Game event in East Cobb, Ga. July 10 - 16 to play against the 17 /18 teams. Hotel is $100 a night plus transportation and food, rough cost will be $1,000.


I could not resist. Big Grin

Watching your son play .....priceless

Forgive me Lord I apologize...

Oh, this is the hard part......I won't be there to see him play, nor will my wife or his mom...only the other members of DBAT16 and there parents...people who I have learned to trust in a very short time. I will only get phone updates.

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