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I was going to start this topic towards the end of the summer, but given the topic "Lake Point" in this forum and some of the negativity, I'll start it now.


There just isn't enough credit given to Jerry Ford for what he's done to build and sustain Perfect Game. He is a true entrepreneur who deserves greater recognition to what he's accomplished since 1995.


Nationally (and internationally), he and his extended team have consolidated a fragmented industry into a centralized function that brings together players, families, showcase organizations, coaches, collegiate programs, professional clubs, advisors, vendors, etc. to the betterment of all. I'm certain that wasn't the mission statement from the get-go, but that's what has happened and continues to happen.


Is it perfect? No, and oh by the way, no corporation is perfect. But the good ones strive for the best customer experience, and PG is part of that group.


I don't know the full story behind Perfect Game, but there's a book in there somewhere. And I don't know if there is a HOF that is appropriate for PG, but if there is, the guy at the top deserves to be in it.

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Can't lie, it makes me feel good to read stuff like that. Kind of makes a person feel appreciated. Thanks


Sometimes I wish people knew the whole story and actually there really was a book published several years ago. Of course, many things have changed since then.


Just want, everyone to know it's not necessary to praise PG or especially myself. I assure you that there is nothing special about me.  Have to admit, I do believe there is something special about Perfect Game and the people involved there.


I never got involved here at the HSBBW to promote Perfect Game.  From the first time I saw this site and talked to Bob Howdeshell, I was hooked.  Then Julie took over the site and IMO it is one of the most valuable of all amateur baseball sites. I would be fine if PG never was a topic for discussion and there has been so many nice comments about PG over the years. Some of the comments hurt, probably more than they should.  I have learned so much and the amount of experience involved on these pages would be hard to surpass.  Real people, trying to help others Navigate the baseball world. 


There are good reasons why I am involved here.  They are precisely the same reasons I'm involved with PG.  I love baseball and those young people that play the game.  I enjoy helping others, just like so many people do that contribute here.  I know this HSBBW is a good thing for baseball.


There are so many outstanding people that are involved here it is amazing.  Sure it makes me feel good to read nice things, but it would great if there was less bad things that weren't true.  I can live with the truth, love to hear suggestions and ideas, but it is troubling to read certain things.


The one thing I wish everyone knew is that I am not a business person.  In fact I hate business.  Somehow after years of struggle PG has become successful.  More so than I could have ever dreamed of.  But money was never the driving force.  Actually if it were about money we would have failed a long time ago.  And in the end, in a personal and selfish way, the most important thing regarding me and baseball is my reputation. I want to be known as a giver not a taker.


I don't deserve any praise, I am extremely lucky.  There are many right here that contribute to HSBBW that deserve more recognition, but that's not their reason for being here. For the most part,  this site is simply made up of a lot of real nice people. And that is all I want to be!

There are a lot of great people on this site, especially for someone like myself who is trying to learn and guide their son through this process. But, there are a handful of members who really stand out.  They have so much knowledge and go out of their way to share and inform. I count you as one of those guys. I don't know if my son will ever play in a PG tournament or showcase, but I always pay attention to what you say about the journey. PG provides a great service and resource. Thanks for all of your efforts.
Thanks, Joe, for starting this thread.  I could not agree more.  To me, PG is - and this is not an exaggeration - in the "dreams business." Joe said it all and, as usual, very I won't be repetitive.  I know Jerry isn't motivated by money, but I hope he and his partners/employees make a fortune over time.  When you have a great business model and bring terrific value to your customers, you deserve everything that comes your way.  I don't want to get into details (this is not about my son and his story), but until my son attended and got feedback from his first PG Showcase, he had no clue as to his potential.  PG lit the fire, and his confidence soared. We both say all the time, "That's when it all started."  Since then, I think my work email is the only online account that I've spent more time on!


I also wanted to say thanks for the posts you make on this site.  I do not post often but I read a lot and really do appreciate the insight you and many others offer.  

I also wanted to say how lucky you folks are that live close to perfect game tournaments and showcase locations.  My sons team played in the 14u WWBC at lake point this month, they traveled a long ways at a pretty hefty cost but they have already penciled it in as a must do next year.  I believe PG offers a great product, I wish we could take advantage of it more often.

Deuces, I don't have permission to PM you for some reason, so I'll post the gist of what I am wondering:

we're trying to figure out how to approach the pg events, too.  If you don't mind my asking how did you go about picking your events, and how often to you think you'll go? Seems like going one time is so hit and miss that we better plan on at least 2 or 3 events, if we're going to do them at all.  But for us that would be $1500 just for travel expenses.


Thanks in advance for your help!



Several years ago I had a player going through some tough times. My son was going to Fort Myers for the PG Game National Underclass. This kid needed to spend some time away from home. He was a very good player who was lacking confidence because of his Dad riding him very hard. He had some talented team mates and he wasn't the star. But that didn't mean the kid wasn't a very good player. When this player found out my son was going to Florida for the event he told him he wished he could go. I knew the kid needed it for more reasons than baseball. He needed to get away for few days. He needed to hear someone say something good about him. He needed a confidence boost. But of course there was a risk. What if he didn't do well? But I also knew he would have a blast hanging out with us. I also knew kids that are 6'3 and throw upper 80's are going to hear some nice things.


I made one phone call to Jerry. I told him the kids situation. Jerry never hesitated. Bring him on. We will make it happen. Well the kid goes down there and makes the top prospects game. He has a blast. His confidence soars and he was a totally different kid the rest of the season. He is now 25 and working. Just a couple of weeks ago he told my son how much fun that trip was. How he was so grateful for the opportunity and the doors it opened up for him.


I could give you numerous stories about Jerry. Of kids who flew in from other states got sick and couldn't perform only to have their money refunded and invited to other events. Jerry is good people. He is a true baseball man. PG provides something that is special. An opportunity. That's a pretty special thing. What you do with it is up to you.

My 2017 played in the 17u and the 16u WWBA tournaments over the past few weeks.  After the 16u, his coach handed him the names and numbers of two D1 coaches who wanted my son to call.  We are now planning to go visit one of these schools in mid August and he will also be following up with the second school.  I also had the chance to email with the PG staff last year about a discrepancy in pitching speed between what we saw at the field and what was recorded.  A few simple emails, and a few days to allow the PG staff time to review and the record was updated.


So do we like the Perfect Game events and services?  My son will be playing in two more tournaments, plus attending a showcase between now and the end of August.  They are not the cheapest, but I do believe they are the best.  

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