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Originally Posted by Billy19:
Lion, You might want to reconsider sending a PM. If I were you I'd wish to remain anonymous. While you may have legitimate gripes what I've read appears to be petty. If I'd gone to a public forum to rant & rave think I'd take the opportunity now to take a deep breath and rethink. I would not want my name to be known and the potential conquences that come to my son as a result. For my son's sake I'd move on and not be "one of those parents". In a couple of years you and your son may be wondering why he has the talent but no takers. Coaches do take the parents into consideration. I hope you take this in the spirit intended.

Too late for remaining anonymous.  Some of us figured that out when he posted here are Baseballmania. All you have to do is know ONE person who knows who your son is, the cat is then out of the bag.

Its funny how some people come here and insult and hide behind a screen name, they think they are smart because they think that no one knows.

Stupid assumption actually.

I agree with bballman, its a stupid complaint but what do you expect from stupid!

Originally Posted by PGStaff:



The championship round and majority of games were played at the mentioned “other location” because it is an all turf complex in Franklin, which is a 30 minute drive from Texas A&M.  The tournament was originally scheduled for A&M, two high schools in College Station, other local high schools, and the 4 field turf complex in Franklin.

 The turf complex is a 45 minute drive from College Station.   Our team played Saturday at 3:30 pm at College Station High school and then had to drive to the turf field in Franklin for the next game which was schedule for 5:00 pm. Obviously we didn't start that game until later.   

College Station was pounded by rain in the middle of the afternoon on Friday, so all games were washed at A&M and the high schools.  Since it is turf, they moved most games there for Saturday as well since the other fields were unplayable.  They did everything they could to get the games played, started games at 8:00 AM and the last time slot was at 10:00 PM, just so everyone could get their games in.  Obviously, the college fields do not let us on there when it rains since they don’t want us to ruin the fields, but they played as many games there as we were allowed.


I can’t speak for Friday as we played two games at the turf field that night.   On Saturday there were games being played at the College Station High school because we played after another team at 3:30 pm.  One of the dads on the team before us told me that were heading to Olson field to play.   Games were played at Olson field on Saturday.


The communication was strong on the website, as Taylor Davis updated the event attention every time schedule changes were made, but I will talk to him about having a better staff presence on site to talk with parents since that seems like the biggest complaint.  The reason for the delay before calling the game was due to the fact that Taylor was begging the guy who runs the park to let us keep playing.  Even got me on the phone with him to try to let us wait it out, but he said we were done so that is when he told the teams there was nothing else we could do.

I don’t know what he considers “strong” but there was no explanation why the championship games were played at the turf field on Sunday.  Our game on Sunday was rain delayed once and then it rained heavily for 15-20 minutes. After it stopped raining I saw another team from another field headed to the parking lot and they said their game was called because of rain (I learned later it was the entire tournament).  We waited a good 25-30 minutes after that team left before a tournament rep came down and said the game and tournament was cancelled.   So obviously at least two teams knew a good 30 minutes before us that the tournament was cancelled.  I understand weather can’t be controlled but the communication on the website was not “strong” nor was the communication consistent among all teams at the end. 

I spoke with some of the other coaches I know down there and they did not have these complaints.  They actually sounded appreciative of the fact that instead of cancelling the event, our Directors did everything possible to get the games played despite the bad weather.


I know our coach wasn’t happy but he didn’t complain either.   Maybe it’s the fact that he doesn’t want complaints held against him for future scouting coverage?   But I guess since no one is complaining to the director the tournament was a rousing success.  Congratulations. 


Please let me know if there is anything else I could be doing for these sanctioned tournaments, as I know we do not want bad reviews for the Super25 brand.  


 DRAKE BROWNE – Super25 National Director


I did find out that the next PG event was cancelled due to potential weather which is why our team was not going.  Not because of the experience of the recent PG sponsored event. 


About the corrupt police force in Franklin, Tx., I knew about the corruption a few days before we attended this tournament due to a recent article exposing this corruption.

I passed the info along to the parents to alert them to be careful.  I know PG has nothing to do with it. 


Unfortunately on the way out my wife forgot my warnings and was pulled over for speeding.  The corrupt cop said we were going 73 mph in a 60 (which was a lie) but would give us a break and write it for 69 mph.  My wife was going 65 out of town where the 70 mph speed limit sign was within visual distance.  Maybe if the city of Franklin knew there would be no more tournaments held by PG at their facility they would make their police force act honest.  


Originally Posted by Billy19:
Lion, You might want to reconsider sending a PM. If I were you I'd wish to remain anonymous. While you may have legitimate gripes what I've read appears to be petty. If I'd gone to a public forum to rant & rave think I'd take the opportunity now to take a deep breath and rethink. I would not want my name to be known and the potential conquences that come to my son as a result. For my son's sake I'd move on and not be "one of those parents". In a couple of years you and your son may be wondering why he has the talent but no takers. Coaches do take the parents into consideration. I hope you take this in the spirit intended.

And that, IMO, is exactly why people won't stand up and complain when they have legitimate gripes.  That is probably why coaches just bite their lip and don't complain at crap that goes on in tournaments and tournament organizers pat themselves on the back for a job well done when teams are inconvenienced because of lack of planning.


Look I'm of the opinion now that chasing after the 25% baseball scholarships that could evaporate in a year is really ridiculous.  The real joke is on me for spending $$$ every week at tournaments that would be better spent on prepping for the ACT.  Lesson learned.


Is it football season yet?  LOL

Originally Posted by lionbaseball:

Originally Posted by Billy19:
Lion, You might want to reconsider sending a PM. If I were you I'd wish to remain anonymous. While you may have legitimate gripes what I've read appears to be petty. If I'd gone to a public forum to rant & rave think I'd take the opportunity now to take a deep breath and rethink. I would not want my name to be known and the potential conquences that come to my son as a result. For my son's sake I'd move on and not be "one of those parents". In a couple of years you and your son may be wondering why he has the talent but no takers. Coaches do take the parents into consideration. I hope you take this in the spirit intended.

And that, IMO, is exactly why people won't stand up and complain when they have legitimate gripes.  That is probably why coaches just bite their lip and don't complain at crap that goes on in tournaments and tournament organizers pat themselves on the back for a job well done when teams are inconvenienced because of lack of planning.


Look I'm of the opinion now that chasing after the 25% baseball scholarships that could evaporate in a year is really ridiculous.  The real joke is on me for spending $$$ every week at tournaments that would be better spent on prepping for the ACT.  Lesson learned.


Is it football season yet?  LOL


It's about the kids, not us. I understand the money on baseball scholarship ain't much but I know my kid would sure love the opportunity. Would really regret it if I was the reason he didn't get a shot.
Originally Posted by lionbaseball:
Originally Posted by Billy19:
Lion, You might want to reconsider sending a PM. If I were you I'd wish to remain anonymous. While you may have legitimate gripes what I've read appears to be petty. If I'd gone to a public forum to rant & rave think I'd take the opportunity now to take a deep breath and rethink. I would not want my name to be known and the potential conquences that come to my son as a result. For my son's sake I'd move on and not be "one of those parents". In a couple of years you and your son may be wondering why he has the talent but no takers. Coaches do take the parents into consideration. I hope you take this in the spirit intended.

And that, IMO, is exactly why people won't stand up and complain when they have legitimate gripes.  That is probably why coaches just bite their lip and don't complain at crap that goes on in tournaments and tournament organizers pat themselves on the back for a job well done when teams are inconvenienced because of lack of planning.


Look I'm of the opinion now that chasing after the 25% baseball scholarships that could evaporate in a year is really ridiculous.  The real joke is on me for spending $$$ every week at tournaments that would be better spent on prepping for the ACT.  Lesson learned.


Is it football season yet?  LOL

There are certain ways to go about doing things, there are legit complaints and there are bitch complaints, you win for the second category.  I am not surprised.


No one is saying that you cant have legit concerns, but how you have gone about presenting them is why you are on the outside looking in on this. I know and you know and everyone else knows that PG posts here, daily, so why not just send him a pm?


I think tonight I am going to write up a list of all the things that probably happened over sons 4 HS seasons. It would take me awhile though, because these things come with the territory.


Why do you like your own posts?  


Go away.


Last edited by TPM

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