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Can anyone out there tell me of their experience or what they have heard about the Perfect Game USA showcases? How much do they cost and after attending one do you receive alot of contact from colleges? Obviously I am assuming a good performance at the showcase and that the player attending has a chance or the ability of playing at some level of college. Thank you in advance for any information on this!!
Don't shift the responsibility of your success in this game to somebody else. Be perservering about it. Pay the price and you'll come out where merit takes you. - Branch Rickey
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Perfect Game is worth the money, $450.00 and up, depending on the event, and is an excellent means for gaining exposure to professional scouts and college coaches.

Having said that, College Select Showcases which is administered by Mr. Tom Rizzi, aka "TRhit", on this website, also has a fantastic showcase venue, at a less expensive price. He holds his events out East, in the New York/Connecticut areas. Which is better?? They are both worth going to, and each serves a purpose. What do I mean? College Select is more localized to the East coast, but most certainly has players come from all parts of the U.S. and Canada. PG is more well know nationally, and has more 'name recognition' to the whole baseball community. If you have the opportunity, and you want to go East to attend college, then I would most definitely attend a College Select Showcase, and also add a Perfect Game event as well.

I know that you asked about Perfect Game initially, but don't count-out the others, College Select, Team One, and the others. BUT, PG and College Select will definitely give you the most for your money.

My son has done showcases with both companies, and I'm not here to promote either, just giving you an honest opinion based upon the process by which he was evaluated, and by the results of his efforts. Both are run basically the same, and had college coaches and pro scouts in attendance. We couldn't ask for more!!!! We wanted an unbiased evaluation of my sons skills, and what his future potential might be. We are totally satisfied with his appraisal, and were contacted by various college coaches.

You need to be prepared, physically in "baseball shape", if you understand what that is, and should always be moving, hustling from point A-to-point B with purpose, focused on showing the evaluators your skills, and maybe potential + your "make-up", the desire, passion, knowledge of the gane, leadership....get the picture??????? If your not prepared, in shape/condition, don't waste your time and parents money. IF, you just want to see how you 'stack-up' against other players across the nation, then just do it, go and have fun and don't expect anything more.

Perfect Game is the 'flagship' of the showcase business, you can't, and won't be disappointed. College Select will also help you achieve your goals.

Good Luck!
If you attended a showcase every week, you would spend more than any scholarship would ever give you. That is why you need to identify what it is you are looking for, where you feel your best opportunities are and attend the showcases that offer the best chance for you to reach your goal. If the answer to the above questions is Perfect Game, that is great. My point is that it is not a fit for all. No showcase is.
Hopper - Your original question was about Perfect Game which I have been told puts on good showcases, but there are others you can investigate including Top96 which hosts showcases nationally. Their website is: I echo what was mentioned that before you spend lots of time and money on only one company's showcase you look into others showcases, especially those locally that are free or considerable cheaper. I like what Benchwarmer said, you can spend more money attending showcases than the amount of scholarship you might get.

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