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People should understand something about this. Sometimes the school has no money left, sometimes they do. What the player hears about the situation may or may not be true. Sometimes it's just the easy thing to say... "Unfortunately we are out of money". If they don't offer recruited walk on status, it means they're not even interested.

You will see DIs signing a player late, long after they were thought to be out of money. And besides, there's always the possibility of money becoming available later (Draft, Transfer, etc,) If they are interested in a player they will tell him that.

In other words if all a person hears is we are out of money... It's highly unlikely they are interested in you. Move on to the next possibility.

And remember, often it is true... They don't have any money left and they're done recruiting a certain class. Still, if the right guy falls in their lap, most find a way to get him. Out of money could mean "in all cases unless an immediate impact guy becomes available"

DIIs will recruit right to the end in most cases.

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