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Just thought I would try and put some things in perspective for some of the parents coming on here with young "stars to be", at least in the parents eyes , who are not yet playing HS baseball at any level be it Frosh, JV or Varsity

All too many are putting the cart before the horse in that they are thinking collge/pros and the boy is still not shaving much less playing HS ball.

What you want to to do is get the ducks in a row:

01-- continue to improve by getting "reps"--this is key in my book
02-- think about the next step on the ladder not the top rung 4 or 5 years away
03-- as a frosh or soph playing frosh or JV ball do not worry about scouts and do not worry about scouts at your travel team games if you are not playing at the varsity level
04-- if you have trainers/instructors please take what they say with a grain of salt at the early stages---the coach at the HS level is the only guy who has any influence on what will happen
05-- don't use the "my son has been playing since he was five" bit when he he doesn't make the frosh or JV team-- that has no bearing on the situation--what has bearing is how talented is he
06--- look at the number situation at your HS--many kids do not make the team because of the roster limitations--it may not be the politics thing you think it is

I am not telling you not to chase the dream but rather that you put it all in perspective and look around you and see what is happening---there is no entitlement factor here-- you have to have the talent to earn the spot and you have to fit into the numbers being used for rosters.

Relax a bit and perhaps some parents might not be getting so stressed out
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Very good advice except for #4. I may be misreading your intent. If my sons had ignored(taken with a grain of salt) what their instructors/trainers(me, for one) had taught them they would never have gotten to the level they are now. Their high school coach didn't help them a lick-they improved in spite of him.

If by "influence on what will happen" you mean he controls playing time, then I agree.
Nothing any instructor can do to help that situation regardless of how talented the player is.
As for #4, there are instructors giving false hope to parents and players to make a buck. There's also how the parents processes the instructor's comments.

PARENT: How's my kid doing?

INSTRUCTOR: With a lot of work there's no telling how far he'll go.

The parent is gleaming about the future. The instructor was trying not to blow off some bucks with an honest opinion, yet he didn't lie. There's no telling.

My favorite is when a parent of a twelve year old says the instructor/former pro stated their kid is better than he was at twelve.

#5 is so true. We haven't cared about LL all-stars since LL. How did the kid do last year and how was the competition?

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