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To whom it may concern --- according to Webster:

  • there -- in or at that place <stand over there> -- often used interjectionally
  • their -- of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors, agents, or objects of an action <their furniture>
  • they're -- they are

  • to -- used as a function word to indicate movement or an action or condition suggestive of movement toward a place, person, or thing reached <drove to the city>
  • too -- BESIDES, ALSO <sell the house and furniture too>; EXCESSIVELY <too large a house for us> :to such a degree as to be regrettable <this time he has gone too far>; VERY <didn't seem too interested>; SO <"I didn't do it." "You did too.">
  • two -- being one more than one in number

Big Grin ok, I'm a little board Big Grin
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condescend: 1) to assume an air of superiority

Vance34 -- there is no question that you have knowledge that is helpful here -- and I suppose from your style that you're not dropping in to make friends and influence people. I appreciate your input, but just because many cannot speak with your level of experience does not make their posts fictional or less valuable.

On a serious note, I would be interested to hear about your baseball background.

OH come on. I was just having fun. I assumed that the 1st pet peeve was directed at me.

I sure would like to make friends and I try and give people the truth based on fact and not on hear say.

Hear say is the Kyle Hancock situation and the area code situation. But again, I was havin fun on this thread because I thought it was a fun thread.

Can't you go so many miles in an hour? based on your Miles per hour? Just havin fun again!

Darn, I spelled it wrong it's CONVERSANT. but with my typing I spell many words wrong and leave out letters to.
Originally posted by swingdoctor14:
I have to admit Collikar has made me do alot of editing with my comments...I was always afraid of my English teachers..She has made me a better poster,,,and I know you'll love this Collikar but I was in Murdough in the Fall of 1970. They shut down that dorm for a year following that crew's stay there. "Fight Raiders Fight" party

Lived in Weymouth, but walked by Stangel Beach whether I had a class that direction or not. coolgleam

Originally posted by KellerDad:
Alot bothers me a lot.

...not as much as it bothers me!

Originally posted by swingdoctor14:

I have to admit Collikar has made me do a lot of editing with my comments...I was always afraid of my English teachers..She has made me a better poster,,,and I know you'll love this Collikar but I was in Murdough in the Fall of 1970. They shut down that dorm for a year following that crew's stay there. "Fight Raiders Fight" party

Swinger, you’d love my English class. We practice concise vocabulary usage at an elevated level. That way, when my students are interviewed (be it sports, academics, arts, news worthy events) they don't sound like the guy in the wife-beater t-shirt standing outside the remains of his trailer after a tornado saying,” It wuz big and loud and I told Ida to git in the tub or she'd be blowed away."

I was a Chitwood Ahh-hmmm, but spent many a hot afternoon on the beach as well.

Gotta love the Red Raider fans!
Last edited by collikar
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
Here are a few that make me crazy:

Nuculer instead of nucleur (Pres. Bush say's nuculer and it drives me crazy!)
Relator instead of realtor

People who chew ice!

Glad to get that off my chest!

Actually OP, The President is pronouncing it right. Go to this link and turn up your volume
and listen to all three pronunciations
Specifically the third one.

Thou shalt not rag on the Commander and Chief.
In written conversation, there are too many people that misspell lose a lot. Especially while eating or crunching ice.

Pronunciation: 'lüz
Function: verb
1 : to undergo deprivation of something of value
2 : to undergo defeat <lose with good grace>

Pronunciation: 'lüs
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): loos·er; loos·est
1 a : not rigidly fastened or securely attached b (1) : having worked partly free from attachments <a loose tooth> (2) : having relative freedom of movement c : produced freely and accompanied by raising of mucus <a loose cough> d : not tight-fitting
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Holding on at first with a runner at second.

Demonstrative umps on strike three when it's my kid hitting. Big Grin

Posting to many, I mean two many, I mean too many "to"s when the poster means "too".

Using IMO or IMHO or the such, IMHO.

When I post a stupid observation about hitting, only to find out (and agree) I was wrong.

Scouts who tell others my son throws 5 mph less than they gun all night. (Just don't say anything before you lie).

Hearing a scout say, "I don't go into someone's office and ask them whats on their spreadsheet. I don't like it when someone asks my velocity reads." Radar reads are not spreadsheets and behind home plate is not an office, but a public place.
Last edited by baseballpapa
I have the same gun you do -- a stalker. I know what my son throws. The reason I gun is some scouts lie. I want to keep them honest. Razz Am I in their office when I am behind the plate gunning?

I spent an arm and leg on select ball, but told my son he never should play for college ball or pro ball. We played and paid because we love the game. Another pet peeve --- how can so many IN the game be so miserable, go do something else.

I tell every coach my son has that I want him to love the game when he is finished. HE LOVES IT NOW. If he is drafted I will ask the same of the club that drafts him.
Originally posted by Vance34:
I sure would like to make friends and I try and give people the truth based on fact and not on hear say.

Darn, I spelled it wrong it's CONVERSANT. but with my typing I spell many words wrong and leave out letters to.

In keeping with the original theme of the thread shouldn’t that be hearsay and too? clever I will give you credit for the second one being pretty funny so I ignored the capitalization errors because if we get too carried away with this the whole forum could come to a grinding halt. toilet
Last edited by Line Drive

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