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In my ten years of minor league and college experience, Pete was not alone. I just question why now? The money, to manage, or to get into the HOF.......... He looks like trailer trash, anyone see him throw out the first pitch at the JackHammers game this summer? Tee shirt untucked and sweat pants, what a slob.......... Although he did a great job of talking hitting at Lockport Township High School.
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j...Pretty good thread running in the general items sections of the site.

Of course...You are right. It is about the money. He wants to get into the Hall and the Baseball Writers are the only ones likely to let him in. You know that the Veterans Committee will never do it. Two year window left.

I'll never forgive Pete for lying about it 14 years ago and for talking ab out it now.

To this day, he has shown no REMORSE!!!!

MAKING 450 BETS IN 90 1987...just the tip of the iceberg.

He should apologize to that Dowd-person for blasting him and "being outright MEAN to him"...

I think that they should put a plaque on the wall at the HOF and point out that he holds the record for most hits in a career.

The rest...No way.

By the way...Who, among you, believes him when he says that he didn't bet on any Reds games? NOT!!!

"False hustle", Charlie "Hustle"...Let's revisit the issue again in 15 years....Just like he lived his lie for the last 15 years and laughed at all of us during that time knowing full well that he bet and lied about it!!!! I could never understand how someone could have been considered a person who "hustled" when all he did was run to first base on a walk! Look up the definition of walk and you'll see what I mean.

The President didn't know "is" from "is" and look what happened to him?
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Pete Rose should have his accomplishments acknowledged in the Hall of Fame, right along with an explanation as to why he is not enshrined in the Hall just as a reminder to all of those in the future to respect the game, other players, and its fans. I can't believe what he is doing now, and if Selig reinstates Rose....? wow will i be angry at him. I think the owners and players need to do something to get a new commissioner if this happens. If Selig reinstates Rose that says to me that he has just as little respect for the game that Rose has.
I'm with you guys on this one. No doubt that Rose was an outstanding ballplayer but as a person, he's a bottom feeder. More and more our society tells us to be forgiving about everything anyone does. As parents, we try to teach that baseball as well as life have rules that have to followed. Rose is simply trying to circumvent the rules for personal gain, once again. He makes his confession in a book that retails for $25, it must mean he's hurtin' for some cash to pay off some more gambling debts. I will lose an awful lot of respect for the game if he ever gets in to the HOF.
He should be admitted based upon his statistics ONLY! Include an asterisk(*), explaining why he was banned from baseball for fourteen (14) years, IF, he gets in to the Hall Of Fame.

A "deal" was made with Pete to admit to gambling, so he could be eligible for the Hall Of Fame. Also, the book was ready for release back in August when Pete thought he would be allowed back into baseball. The timing of the "un-banishment" didn't go according to Pete's plans.

He shouldn't be allowed "ON" a baseball field at all, let alone be allowed to manage, coach or train any players, at any level, in MLB.

If he didn't lie for so long, and just admitted to his gambling problems early-on, I would feel differently about the asterisk (*) issue. Today, after fourteen (14) years, no way! People need to remember, forever, like what happened to Shoeless Joe Jackson. Joe was "ignorant" by definition, but in our society, 'there is no excuse for ignorance." Pete wasn't and isn't ignorant, maybe dumb, but not ignorant. He violated our trust in him, and forever labeled himself a liar!!!

I watched Pete play in many games, both on television and in person, and he truly was a "one of kind" baseball player. I will always respect his athletic abilities, hustle and accomplishments in the game he played to the fullest, BUT I will never respect or believe anything he says from now on. It's a shame this couldn't have been fixed a long time ago.

"Sherman...set the Waybac Machine for......"
without a doubt he should be inducted is notorious for cheating and having shady has put a weighted avg. betting vs. drugs vs. assaults vs.etc....a sin is a shows a amazing amount of tolerance in regarding drugs but freak on the betting.go figure!i know you guys nknow what im saying.shoeless joe should be there before rose.that boggles my mind altogether.the guy is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!time to let him in plus i think rose and shoeless if handled well could increase the popularity baseball.they should market the fact that they will be inducted.writers should not even vote or be involved whatsoever.stick to writing because we know their tactics at times could be questioned for some.the veterans maybe going thru a self righteous period but we know they have made mistakes themselves so they should be forgiving.this country needs to forgive people for their has been made great because of its fans,the hall is what it is today because of my is a shame that is for the public and myself and the individuals who are in it,but the fan is everything and i actually may be saddenned that i may never live long enough to see pete and joe inducted.thats sad,especially coming from people that have sinned all their life.i guess it is ok to do drugs and blatantly turn a blind eye to it but better not gamble!oh! the self righteous.
hey...let's all cry a river for poor pete!! what more does he have to do for people to except him??...his words not mine.
I respect what he did on the playing field...but...and I MEAN BUT...he is a disgrace to the game...and he thinks he should be absolved because he came clean 14 years later..and that he should be allowed to manage again...hmm...I say "when HE** freezes over 4 feet thick pete!!"
Personally, I will never use his name in a positive manner again..he should go room with Mike Tyson...they can hold each other and cry a river
I always loved watching Pete play.He was my favorite player!What a deterimed and hard-nosed athlete.Charlie Hustle.How many different positions did he make the all-star game?I was mad at baseball for not letting him in the hall.So he bet!I'm sure he did not bet AGAINST his team,I would say.Time certainly showed his true character(or lack of).What a shame. Frown I think he would sell his relatives or old socks if he could.I feel no sorrow for him now.NEVER should my old favorite player get in. NEVER!
So he bet!I'm sure he did not bet AGAINST his team,

It does not matter if he bet For or Against.
It's against the Rule's.

Let's say Pete had a bet for his team to Win.
And he burn's up his bullpen at the start of a series to win that one game??

But I did like to see Pete play the game.
And would like to see him acknowledged in the HOF.

I do Believe in Forgiveness.
And Second chances.


I never did quite understand this one...

Pete Rose may be a liar and an uncouth slob, granted, but the HOF is already loaded with 'em. I guess I think of ballplayers as a microcosm of society, some good, some bad, but I never thought a personality test should be a prerequisite for induction. IMHO, the HOF is reserved for the greatest PLAYERS, not the greatest people.

I say, Pete's bust (and Shoeless Joe's, too)belongs in the HOF and if people want to spit on it, let 'em...JMHO.

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