It's all about the $$$$. Pay for several showcases and your rating will rise. PG will also let you take extra BP during the showcase if your first round doesn't go well and put you on the summer ball all star team with a 167 batting average (we know he's better). From what I've seen the more $$$$ you spend on showcases relates to how much love you get.
I can absolutely attest that this is 100% untrue. We have a friend that brought their poor son to showcase after showcase spending a heck of a lot of $$$ and got not a lot of love in return.... unless you consider going from a 5.5 to a 6 love. We spent a minor fraction of the amount they spent and my son is ranked. Not super high but ranked none the less.
Sunshine West Showcase 2013, I watched an excellent player (already rated a 10 by PG) have a not so great round of batting practice. He was allowed a second round. When asked by another dad if his kid could take a second round he was told "no time for that." The excellent player had 5 or 6 showcases under his belt.
I have no issues with PG, I wouldn't make this up. I witnesses what you attest is 100% untrue. Were you there? IMO, spend some money of a few showcases and good thing will happen.
Just curious what the second kids PG rating was. Maybe there wasn't time for that. Maybe multiple scouts asked to see him again. They pay PG also, I believe.