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Is it ok if college baseball coach's call and send letters now, at this time of the year .it's just that so many letters are coming to us at this time with a few phone calls and offers mostly from J.C.and community colleges. i know that my son can just sign up for them colleges bUT why now at this time. THANKS, J.H. P.S. this is his last year of high school.
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I think the reason you're hearing from a lot of the JC's etc is that they are trying to get a jump before the start of the next recruiting season for D1 schools. The D1's are busy with the start of their season and the quiet period will end soon. The calls and letters are great, but continue to be pro-active and stay on those that interest you. For the 07's, March calls are days away.
Last year there was a change in the recruiting process at which time College Coaches were allowed to make (1) phone call to a prospect during the month of March. I do not believe they have changed the rule back. This is similar to the July 1 date except that the calls can not continue. One contact only and then it starts again in July.

There were some schools last year that either were not aware of the rule change or just did not wish to participate.
I have to say that this was a recruiting rule change last year that applied to all. However, I just went through the NCAA coaches guide and cannot find the exception listed for this year. They may have done away with it....

I did find this go to page 28 and it does state "Calls are allowed once during March of your junior year" then "once per week starting July 1 after your junior year".

As is always the case with the NCAA this is confusing because I did find something else that says it may have been eliminated...
Last edited by Coach Merc
You can make calls to coaches at your expense at any time regardless of year in HS school. For 2005-2006 the rules are: (see the link provided above, pages 28 & 29)

Division I:
• Coaches may call once during March of your junior year.
• Coaches may call once per week starting July 1 after your junior year.

Division II:
• A college coach may call you once per week beginning June 15 between your junior and senior year.

Division III:
• No limit on number of calls or when they can be made by the college coach.
Thank you for the info. Since you are an "old timer" on the HSBBW, maybe they will believe you.
About a month ago (you may be able to search it), there was a thread titiled either "DII vs. DIII".
I stated that DIII coaches could call whenever they wanted. On that particular thread, there were SEVERAL people (including some coaches, one sepcifically VJC Baseball) who said I was flat out wrong. Well, I at least got one person to agree with me!

EDIT: Here is the link:
Last edited by jbbaseball

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