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This would be a very unusual pick off move since most pitchers throw with their hand, not their foot. Big Grin (just kidding)

Actually, under Fed (high school) rules if the pitcher is in the wind up position he must step off the rubber (pivot foot first) before throwing to a base.

Under OBR (Official Baseball Rules) a pitcher in the wind up position is not required to step off first. From the rubber he may step toward and throw to a base in an attempt to pick off a runner.
Last edited by pilsner
Originally posted by Christopher_91:
ok thanks i thought you could but just wasnt sure

If you properly disengage the rubber without making any motion normally associated with delivering the pitch then you become an infielder and then you may throw or feint wherever you want. However, I have seen pitchers start their hands up in the air as they step off with their pivot foot and than throw to a base and that is not allowed. Basically, if you are acting like you are going to deliver a pitch and you step off you are going to get yourself into trouble, but if you are just stepping off, then you're fine.

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