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The link below is a power point presentation that was sent to me by a friend that has some outstanding pictures of the 9/11 tragedy. Sometimes reminders like this are needed to re-enforce our belief in supporting freedom throughout the world. Continue to click on the screen to go to the next picture. I hope this link works as these are some pics that I have not ever seen.

btw- I use the word "outstanding" from a photographic standpoint.
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Wow rz! I don't think I have ever seen any of those powerful, powerful photos.

It is very evident that God had blessed the New York City area with a spectacularly beautiful morning on September 11, only he could.

It sure is reassuring to see his beautiful and loving handiwork surrounding this horribly evil scene brought to us by these hate filled and 'steeped in evil' terrorists.

We can agree or disagree on what is the proper course of action to protect ourselves when faced with this evil, but we, freedom loving people from all over the globe, must not lose focus because of disagreements over the details.

It certainly will not be easy or without loss...and it will take much longer than anyone has imagined, but we must recognize this evil for what it is and pull together, everywhere, and defeat this scourge.

The photo display you shared with us rz will certainly help with all of us staying focused.

Thank you for sharing that with us.
Last edited by gotwood4sale a former high school history teacher, one of my favorite quotes was from the philosopher George Santayana...and it applies to your poignant reminder thru pictures of the events of 9/11:

"Those who can not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes."

IMO, Americans can never be reminded too often of the terrible events of 9/11. Thank you.
Here is my personal opinion - for what it is worth.

I sure as heck dont need to be reminded of watching my friends and colleagues jump 100 stories to their death. Or getting crushed into dust particles. Or any of the other Twilight Zone stuff that happened that day.

Especially from people who werent even there. They have nothing to remind me of and nothing of value to tell me about that event.

It may be some symbolic thing to some of you - and that is just fine - but to me - it is still a nightmare that needs to be dealt with on a daily basis.

Everyone has a different perspective I guess.
This is a baseball site, but sometime politics get mentioned
Rz1, Those are some detailed pictures.A reminder of what some in this world will do if given the chance.
It is a tough memory . I can't relate to someone who saw their dad, brother or friend jump for their lives, but I can say I saw my fellow americans in those situations. I can say I saw my oldest son enlist in the Army a week or so after that happened for the only reason of "They can't get away with this." We didn't know where my son would end up but I can say I saw my daughter and wife crying away when my he walked to the runway to head overseas. So many forget, without our military (American men and women)being strong and devoted we would be the first to be attacked, yes on our soil. We cannot just say " Stop it", like many believe, the world isn't nice and we can't give the bad guys a time out. It doesn't matter who is the Pres. There will be those countries who hate us. If anybody thinks the two main countries we are fighting in would not launch a nuke, (if they get one) at us , I have some beach front property to sell you in the Mojave. The next time someone wants to bag on the ones who protect us , maybe a quick thank you would be in order..right before we argue linear or rotational hittng and then go practice it on a field without the fear of being blown up. If someone doesn't want to say thank you and protest away then say thank you to those same people who protect us because they give us the right to disagree. 911 was a horrible sight and I will support anyone who will keep that terror from happing again. Back to baseball.
Last edited by Lclcoach
And all perspectives are welcome.

Lclcoach... that was a good post. Please pass along our gratitude to your son for bravely and willingly serving and protecting us. I can not begin to tell you the tremendous amount of respect that I have for people like your son.

its...thanks for your clarification...this is an increasingly difficult subject to discuss.

Let's do as Lclcoach suggests..."Back to baseball."
Last edited by gotwood4sale
The last thing I wanted to do here was draw bad blood and the thread is leaning toward debate. I am sorry if I did and will remove the link. Will someone please lock this thread so we don't get in debate on a subject we should only mourn.

As I've explained to a couple others. When I posted this I did so because living so far away geographicly, and without having been personally affected, I had lost sight of the tragedy. When I was sent the pics it hit home, and hard. I live in a sympathetic and liberal community, work at a large University, but after sitting back and thinking about this I was dumbfounded by how it has been forgotten by those you would think would remember. Not the political aspect, but for the compassion for those who lost family and friends.

I just wanted to let you know that this was not a post of "sensationalism", but rather a "tap on the shoulder" to those of us that may have lost a moment that should remain with us forever. In the grand scheme of things not many Americans were there personally, but that doesn't mean that we should forget about those who were. There were ~500 hits on this thread, and if I opened 1 set of eyes it was worth it.

If anyone is interested in having the pics pm me with your email address and I will forward the Power Point presentation via email.

Topic closed per request (CD)
Last edited by ClevelandDad
This is not meant as a political statement...

For those of you wondering what our foriegn policy really is for the future in the way of military deployment, I would urge you to watch the Discovery Channel special, Ted Koppel's Our Children's, Children's War. It is an excellent piece that shows our efforts and position on not letting terrorists get a foothold in places by creating allies of the local people.
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