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I have to get my mind off the two American League games last night. Someone sent me a funny (fake) e-mail about pitch backs yesterday that jogged my memory.

I bought my oldest son a Pitchback when he was about 3 or 4. Also got him a genuine hardball.

We all went out into the backyard, set it up, lined him up about 10 feet away and we all got the cameras out to watch him make his first official throw.

He rared back, wound up, threw a perfect strike. Well, the Pitchback lived up to it's name. It pitched it right back...and drilled him right in the face!

I was afraid his baseball career began and ended with that one throw!
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True story - Several years ago, one of my oldest boys busted his head open at school - hospital, several staples across the back of the head. He was groggy and just moping around in the house for several days. In an effort to finally get him up and outside for some fresh air, I talked him into going out and playing catch. About the third throw from me, he still being groggy, tipped off the top of his glove and drilled him in the eye. The thing swells up bigger than a baseball in a hurry. We take him back inside to put ice on it. He couldn't lay on his back because of the staples couldn't lay on his belly because of the eye. Not my Dad of the Year day. It took several years for him to fully appreciate the humor of it all.
Last edited by cabbagedad
Wow, you guys just took me back a few years. I can still hear the sound of my guy using his Hit-Away. It was installed on the same metal pole that his basketball goal was on. There's not another sound like that baseball being hit and then winding around the metal pole. Loved the sound then and would still love it now if he wasn't a state away!
Cabbagedad, I bet the back of his head quit hurting for a few minutes.

Speaking of brain cramps, I have a non baseball version. My son went to his first dance in 6th grade. I went to pick him up in my convertible. There was a huge line of cars of parents picking up kids. He decided that he was going to be cool, and do sort of a scissor kick jump into the car. I see him jump, then he splats against the side of the car. He completely disappears as he falls to the ground. He then gets up and gets in the car, telling me he isn't hurt. It must have been hilarious to those behind us in the line.

When we get to the house I let him go in first. I stay in the backyard so he couldn't see me, doubled up with laughter. Not my Mom of the Year moment!

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