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Son is a 15u relatively high level pitcher but has never really implemented a "routine" between starts.

Looking for recommendations for bullpen sessions, stretching, between bullpen sessions and anything else that might help junior build\maintain arm strength and be better prepared for his starts and avoid injury. Gladly take any off season recommendations too.

Thanks in advance!!!

Happy 4th...GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Confucious say: "Baseball wrong - man with four balls cannot walk." ~Author Unknown

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Preface to this post: I am not a pitcher

Game Day: Run after start...Most I have seen use distance, but I believe interval running is best. I have heard some suggest lifting immediately after starts, but usually my players lift the day after.

Day after: I say lift here. Good stretch. Hard interval running.

Day 2: Light throwing. 40-50% effort..about 50 throws.

Day 3: Short bullpen. No more than 75% followed by long toss. Usually a sprint day. No lifting (unless it is forearm work and that needs to be light).

Day 4: Light throwing session (basic warm up). Good stretch. Light distance running (triangles or poles).

Day 5: Start.

This is not set in stone and hopefully we will have some guys come on here and refute or add to the above post. My feelings won't get hurt and I will probably steal some of the others advice.
Originally posted by monkeyboy:
When I post on here and ask for advice I am definitely not trying to undermine your expertise by any means.

Thanks Coach.

Didn't take it that way at all. This is a good topic that I hope draws a lot of replies. There are so many ways to do these things and I am not certain that one is "right" or "wrong" just different. I am very interested to hear what some of the others think.
It really depends on how often he pitches. Our guys do the following as an example.
Sun - pitch - run poles (10 minimum' ice shoulder and elbow for 20 minutes.
Mon - light throwing, run and lift
Tue - long toss, run, lift
Wed - bull pen (50 pitches), run
Thur. - light throwing, run, lift
Fri - pre game warm up (play catch),long toss as part of the warm up, run
Sat - pre game warm up (play catch), light run.
Sun - pitch etc
The running should be alternated between sprints and distance.
All this assumes he is a PO. If not then it's a different workout.

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