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If you look on their website there's a lot of colleges listed that use it.

It has a bit of a look like it's a tool to drop and drive but, it's not.

At the risk of getting yelled at, our organization has about a dozen of them for work on the flat. They use them to keep the weight back, and get that lead butt cheek out before the lead hip starts moving forward. I'm sure I'm descibing this poorly but, they use them a fair bit prior to moving onto the clay in February.
Last edited by Notlongtilicantcatchim
I'm not a huge fan of contraptions like these that could potentially alter mechanics. I've always been from the school of thought that putting something in place in order to make a movement easier would be counterintuitive in terms of actual results. I'm also not a person to buy into testimonials. Their client list is very impressive and the video with Drew Storen sure is flashy, but that doesn't make a product good.

I watched the videos on their website and some more stuff on YouTube/Google. And despite my tendencies to shy away from products like these, this one does seem like it could be beneficial for a pitcher if used properly. I've never tried it personally but would be very open to if the equipment was readily available. As Coach_Dave said it's not a be all and end all type product, but it certainly seems to be a good addition to training least from my first look
Last edited by J H
It's an expensive device but, extremely well-built.

I'm not sure that you need one of these working one-on-one with an instructor. It might take more or less time. Our club is rotating 35 pitchers between three or four stations. Although there are three or four coaches, I suspect products like this help with ensuring that everyone gets the concept in a relatively short perod of time and in a uniform manner.

Just about every week, you see a guy go back to it, to ensure he's "feeling it".

It certainly does what it says it does. It's a piece of the mechanics though like Jimnev indicated.
I like the concept behind this device but I don't want to use anything for a long period of time that I can not use when pitching on the mound. This is why it is important to know mechanically where you need to be instead of just using a device to force your body into the correct position. I would use this device on the beginner level but that is it. Learn these 3X mechanics and you may not need a device like the power drive.


The power drive no matter what those gimmick lovers say is a piece of junk, I have three pictures, two which shows the ungodly doubled angled positions that thing puts your drive leg in when it teeters to the ground in front of it and one showing the proper leg position, the drive foot needs to be solidly planted on the surface during the pitching movement whether practicing or during games, why in the world would you practice something the total opposite way of your game play such as batting off of flat ground from a pitching machine, those people who practice the opposite way of their game play will never get close to their potential unless their competition is way below them, this is compared to the difference between metal and wooden bats, the very reason that when the metal bats surfaced the quality and thinking batters deteriorated, I talk to college,High school and other level players about how the hands are two forces working in opposite directions and show them how to use their hands with the bat  but I never notice any of them executing the movement.

Good base ballin



Top Velocity's post may have seemed like a bit of a sales pitch but that's not what he is about.
I have visited the forums on his site many times and he is always quick to offer free advice to anyone who posts.  Yes, he sells a program, but he also helps a lot of people, for free.  He could be a great addition to this particular forum.  I hope he continues to participate.  
Originally Posted by CADad:
Top Velocity,
If you want to advertise you can do so by contacting Mn-Mom. Please don't use these forums for free advertising.

I never like to get involved in these things, but the inventor of the Power Drive contacted us when he first got started.  I will admit that I was a little skeptical as to how successful he might be with this product.  Not so much because of what it might accomplish for pitchers, but because it just didn't have the "bells and whistles" that many people seem to like.  


The young guy used to participate in Perfect Game events and pitched in college. Very nice young guy with high hopes.  So we helped him a little, thinking this might not work out well for him.


Since that time several years ago, we have seen some of the nations top college programs and even professional baseball gain interest and use the Power Glide.  And most importantly, we have seen a young man work very hard at many of our bigger events showing players, coaches, scouts, etc., his product and how it works. Not once pushing people or over selling anyone. People were not calling the power drive a gimmic, they were saying it works.


So over the past several years, I've witnessed someone take an idea and commit to that idea and become successful. That is fun to see.  By now, if anyone would think the power drive was not worth while, we would have heard about it. All we ever hear, be it DI coaches or others is favorable.


Sorry if this sounds like a commercial.  But I love success stories, especially when I have a front row seat and it involves someone I know who has integrity and works so hard.

Originally Posted by MTH:
Top Velocity's post may have seemed like a bit of a sales pitch but that's not what he is about.
I have visited the forums on his site many times and he is always quick to offer free advice to anyone who posts.  Yes, he sells a program, but he also helps a lot of people, for free.  He could be a great addition to this particular forum.  I hope he continues to participate.  
Originally Posted by CADad:
Top Velocity,
If you want to advertise you can do so by contacting Mn-Mom. Please don't use these forums for free advertising.

I think Brent @ top velocity has the BEST program out there right now .I also know for a fact that BRENT helps out tons of pitchers FOR FREE.I dont think he's here to sell his stuff or he owuld have been mining these boards way before today.I wish I could send my kid down to brent for some personal instruction..Check his stuff out.

Hey, Wogdoggy.

My sentiments exactly, his vast free etc. baseball info. contribution to whomever might become concerned is certainly welcomed by a great number of experienced and non experienced baseball people, coaches, parents, players umpires you name it and to top it off his info and teachings are based on scientific research findings coming from Dr. Andrews, his associates at his "American Sports Medicine Research Institute" from "Tom House", Rick Peterson, Oral Hershiser and several others who bring out the scientific research aspects of the game, you simply cannot get any better, which has been vastly changing especially in pitching due to the fact that Dr. Andrews research has [proven how a pitchers body in motion/movement "SHOULD" operate/function from the rubber to it's finish position, which is orchestrated within a series of sequenced, chained reactive body movements executed in their proper sequence and proper time, "INDIFFERENCE" as to how it does basically move in it's slow unorganized, hesitational, stutter stepping, untimed and other elbow and shoulder damaging throwing actions.I too know that Brent could bring another dimension of questions, and answer, to this or any web. site. I certainly am looking forward to seeing more of Brent's comments and questions from people on this site.kom_don

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