PITCHING TIPS - May Arm - From the Cocked Position to the Follow-Through
When the arm arrives at the cocked position, the stride foot is planted and
the front hip and front shoulder are at pointed at the target. As the hips and shoulders turn or open up,
the throwing elbow points to the target and the palm turns from facing sideways to facing up. The acceleration of the hand (including the snapping of the wrist) determines the ball's velocity. The throwing hand proceeds past the head and the ball is released at a point where the ball and the rear foot form a line that is approximately 45 degrees. The hand then crosses the chest to a point below and outside of the knee of the stride leg. This follow-through allows the arm to decelerate. Deceleration protects the arm. Pitchers should concentrate on throwing the ball downhill. This will occur if they have their elbow up at the beginning of this sequence.