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Not to throw a damper on your parade ,BUT, you have a tough road to hoe to play college baseball.

You are way behind in terms of game experience and training.

The way you talk you have not played any HS baseball --have you?

Seriously ! you might want to think about coaching as a volunteer where ever you end up in college.

I was breaking my head looking for worlds to tell this kid without taking away his entusiasm
that if he can't make the HS team as a senior will be very difficult to get into a D-1 school as a ball player. But thanks for solve that problem for me.

"Peace is, the respect for the other people's rights".
Benito Juarez

If you throw everyday, why didn't you make the team?

Be honest. Was it grades? Coach doesn't like you, didn't work hard enough? What?

Seems to me there's something here that you're not sharing. Please don't think I'm trying get down on you, I'm not! I have great respect for ANYONE who will lace up the spikes and get between the lines.

Whatever the reason, it's only going to get tougher from here out. There are several stages where the pool of baseball players gets thinned out. One of those stages is highschool. The next one is college.

Don't think that it can't be done... it can, but as TRhit've got a tough row to hoe!

Be honest with yourself and remember... there is a big difference between goals and dreams! Not in the outcome, but the road that you take to get there!

"You should enter a ballpark the way you enter a church." Bill -Spaceman- Lee

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