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My son a RHP/OF 2007 has been having problems pitching consistently. One game he pitches phenominal and the next game he can't seem so get the ball over the plate with lots of balls.Does anyone have any pointers or suggestions on what he can work on, or what could cause him to pitch like this. He also plays Football and Basketball for his Highschool and Football has just started, do you think this could be a factor. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Odds are more then likely he's doing something wrong mechanically when he pitches that the Coaching staff hasn't quite picked up on so it could be something really minor that's throwing his game off.

When he's off does he tend to be totally wild, or does he tend to miss High and In High and Away Low and In or Low and Away?

With what you've said you can get lots and lots of suggestions, most of which won't help, try and be more specific and then people on here can give you more specific guidelines to help him out.

Another reason for this could also be mental, if something's happened during the game that bothered him it could be playing on his mind, or if something off the field has happened it could play on his mind and he could just simply of lost his focus.
I see you're from Toronto....My son and infielddad's son would like to live there some day. Wink

I'm not a pitching instructor by anyone's description but I think your deduction about the football has some merit. Along with football comes heavy lifting and fatigue.... both have an impact on a pitcher's ability to do well on the mound. Let me make a couple of suggestion. Take your son to a known good pitching instructor and let him analyze your son. Maybe you should also video your son and have someone that understand pitching to compare his good and bad performances. Once the cause is identified the problem can be solved. Take into consideration too that ALL pitchers have good days and bad days.
Oh Yes Yes it would,

You have to totally focused when your out on the hill, if your mind wanders your pitches are going to wander.

I bet when he's pitched phenominally he's totally relaxed and totally focused and when he's been missing his spots and not being able to hit the zone at all he hasn't been able to focus at all or enough to be successful at doing his job.

But when he does miss his spots whats his tendency, wheres the ball end up?

Like he could be flying open, your release point could be off, your landing foot doesn't land properly, his arm could be dragging,dropping your elbow, his toe couldn't be facing downwards enough, twisitng too much with the hips, his stride could be off, his hand break point could be off, he could be worried too much about making the perfect pitch, worried about baserunners, worried about walking guys, hitting guys, throwing a wild pitch, not throwing hard enough, trying to get his breaking ball to break, hitting his spot, worried about giving up a hit, the list just goes on and on.
Fungo, Toronto is a beautiful place, but cold in the winter. With his Football this year he has also started lifting weights and I wonder if the teacher is experienced enough to teach him properly. Something to look at. Maybe it is time he has to make a choice, which I know what that would be. He plays for Team Ontario and they were taking about doing some video taping of the boys. He actually just got back this afternoon from Fort Myers Florida he was at the WWBA. He is saying it is too cold here. The high today was 14 C. Thank You for your ideas. He has also been clocked his fastball at 92 and I wonder if he is trying to hard to always throw that speed.

Doc, I will talk to you tomorrow, you have some great suggestions that I am sure everyone of them have gone through his head.

Thanks Again
If I am correct in that your son is playing football and pitching on weekends then I therein lies the problem
He is not in baseball shape, much less pitching shape
How many bullpens does he throw during the week?
Does he pitch on the day after a football game/

Many more questions but are we on the right track?
Tr From May until September he strickly plays Baseball. Starting Sept. he practices 2 to 3 times a week with football with 1 game. He throws 1 bullpen and depending on his baseball schedule 1 or more games. As of now he will be working out on Saturdays and Sundays with Team Ontario Indoors. Depending on his schedule recently he had pitched after a football practice. His Team Ontario coach has said his mechanics is ok. My son has complained though about a muscle in his back after he had a basketball tryout.???? Thanks for your suggestions and any more would be greatly appreciated.

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