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i was wondering if i could email a video of me pitching to a pitching coach on this site and he could tell me some adjustments i could make over the winter, or just general things to work on.

i go to lockport high in illinois, our varsity last year was ranked in the top 25 nationally and state champions. the sophmore team which i was on won conference. i am a lefty, dont have a cannon arm but i think everything else im good at i have alot of movement on my fastball, my curve is very good (best pitch), and my change up moves too. ive worked on a slider which moves alot but cant control so i dont throw it in games. i have good command of my fastball and curve, change up i lose control of sometimes. anybody who would help would be greatly appreciated

my email is
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Young man - let me give what is hopefully some sound advice.

Before you send a video of yourself to anyone for advice - do some research on who that person is.

There are many very very qualified people on this site who can give you an objective critique. There are also some whackjobs who have no idea what they are talking about.

If you need advice - start there first. Find out who is qualified to give advice - before you seek it.

This site will help you greatly if you use it correctly.

Good luck.
Last edited by itsinthegame

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