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Part of being a better player (pitcher in this case) is learning to take criticism, whether you agree or not. You also have to be coachable.
There are NO excuses in this game. Even when players are hurt they never use that as an excuse.

Ex pros do not always make good instructors and some intructors keep instructing because it is money in their pocket and feed their families.

The best pitchers never stop working on perfecting their craft, they don't go back and talk about what the did last year. Even in a win game situation they find fault in their performance. Again, there are never any excuses. It's constant adjusting.

There is plenty of stuff out there to help you, even a search on the internet can help, you are wasting time here defending your position.

Great post in the general thread, read it, entitled from 82 to 96mph in 3 years.

There is so much more to being a pitcher than just throwing the ball, even with good mechanics, so much goes into it, you need to stop depending on others (who have offered good advice) and take care of business yourself.

Why am I p*ssed at your responses, because I have a player who has had 3 surgeries and worked his butt off to find his way back. Last year an all star this year couldn't hit a bullseye on a barn, but never once, never did he have excuses. If he didn't like the advice given he sought out different ways to improve, that's what serious ballplayers (any level) do.

Go ahead get mad at what others say, do something about it.
Last edited by TPM
Part of being a better player (pitcher in this case) is learning to take criticism, whether you agree or not. You also have to be coachable.
There are NO excuses in this game. Even when players are hurt they never use that as an excuse.

Ex pros do not always make good instructors and some intructors keep instructing because it is money in their pocket and feed their families.

The best pitchers never stop working on perfecting their craft, they don't go back and talk about what the did last year. Even in a win game situation they find fault in their performance. Again, there are never any excuses. It's constant adjusting.

There is plenty of stuff out there to help you, even a search on the internet can help, you are wasting time here defending your position.

Great post in the general thread, read it, entitled from 82 to 96mph in 3 years.

There is so much more to being a pitcher than just throwing the ball, even with good mechanics, so much goes into it, you need to stop depending on others (who have offered good advice) and take care of business yourself.

Why am I p*ssed at your responses, because I have a player who has had 3 surgeries and worked his butt off to find his way back. Last year an all star this year couldn't hit a bullseye on a barn, but never once, never did he have excuses. If he didn't like the advice given he sought out different ways to improve, that's what serious ballplayers (any level) do.

Go ahead get mad at what others say, do something about it

Is this some kind of joke? i work my *** off day in and day out, i come from a very poor family and realistically i shouldn't be playing baseball because i dont have the money for it.

Try going homeless for 3 months, or having to go to school hungry because theres no food in the house. even then i forced myself to go and train with little to no energy.

I have to work with what i have, sorry i cant go out and spend 500-1000 dollars on a pitching instructor, like i said i sacrificed hockey so that i could work with one a few years ago, who was very successful not only himself but also at developing other players.

Sorry that i care so much baseball and want to get better, but like i said im very limited to my resources which is why i came here.

You really don't know how frusterating it is when people have always told you have a potential keep working hard and you could really be something, but dont get the opportunities and chances because of where i live and also the lack of money

It must really be nice living down south, where its warm all year around and you have tons of resources because baseball actually matters there, and im also sure most of those kids haven't had to go through what i've had to go through in the past couple of years.

When somebody tells me my mechanics are garbage after i worked so hard on them just ****es me off. I've even had coaches from some of the best teams in ohio approach me and tell me to keep working hard and never quit baseball because i could have a future in it.

So to hear all of that BS without you even knowing who i am and what i've had to go through is just a complete joke.

I appreciate all of the people trying to help me with my velocity, rather then just cutting me up and simply saying your mechanics are terrible.
Last edited by Leeson13
Kid, relax. First off, no one was calling you out on anything. Second off, you've gotten a lot of constructive advice here.

This is a PUBLIC forum. Anyone can join this site and post their opinions. So when you come onto a website and post asking for advice and help, what do you expect to hear? Many people are going to say many different things. You need to weed out the unimportant factors and focus on the things that are constructive.

It is unfortunate that you do not live in a baseball hotbed and that your family struggles financially. However, this has nothing to do with your mechanics. You came on here asking for help pertaining to pitching, not about how to work around your financial struggles to become successful. If you wanted to learn about that, then ask about that.

If you can't handle some people saying what you've worked hard on is not good, then I highly suggest that you stop playing this game. Baseball is a game of humility and failure. Just because a few people tell you that your mechanics aren't good doesn't mean that you need to lash out as if it is some personal attack.
Kid, relax. First off, no one was calling you out on anything. Second off, you've gotten a lot of constructive advice here.

This is a PUBLIC forum. Anyone can join this site and post their opinions. So when you come onto a website and post asking for advice and help, what do you expect to hear? Many people are going to say many different things. You need to weed out the unimportant factors and focus on the things that are constructive.

I just don't understand why when i say i don't think thats the problem and take other peoples advice people get mad.. am i not allowed to voice my opinion?

It is unfortunate that you do not live in a baseball hotbed and that your family struggles financially. However, this has nothing to do with your mechanics. You came on here asking for help pertaining to pitching, not about how to work around your financial struggles to become successful. If you wanted to learn about that, then ask about that.

If you can't handle some people saying what you've worked hard on is not good, then I highly suggest that you stop playing this game. Baseball is a game of humility and failure. Just because a few people tell you that your mechanics aren't good doesn't mean that you need to lash out as if it is some personal attack.

I had no problem with reply's about it being bad mechanics, at first i simply told them that i dont think thats the problem and so what did they do they kept posting the same thing over and over again.

That last post by TPM wasn't neccessary, he pretty much called me a stuck up cry baby and then rubbed it in my face by talking about some other kid and his problems.

Sorry i normally don't like talking about that kind of stuff but he made me feel like i had to. I've failed and been humiliated in baseball lots, it doesn't bother me. Trust me i have a dad who is always picking out the stuff that i'm doing wrong and is never happy with my performances, and then a grandfather who is the same way but worse. I deal with negativity almost everyday of my life, it doesnt bother me until somebody takes it to far.
Last edited by Leeson13
I am just popping in here, taking my son to college and waiting for the washing machine to get done...

Get a good strength and conditioning program, legs, core, front squats, dead lifts, hang cleans, box jumps, and sprint 2x per week. This will get you started in the right direction.

Start long tossing every day if possible. This is going to teach you how to throw hard and at least measure your progress. Go to for some starter information.

There is a concept in "throwing hard" that you need to get in your head. It almost looks like you are decelerating, learn to "throw the cr a p out of the ball and the one way to judge this is by throwing every day and learn to throw longer distances each time you go out.

You are a slow twitch machine that needs to become fast twitch one. Get **** ed and throw the ball!!!

Good luck.
I didn't see anywhere that TPM called you a crybaby. In fact, I found her post to be attempting to help you get a better gauge on the information being given to you. And FYI, her son was a high round draft pick out of a big school. He's had 3 major shoulder surgeries and has toiled in the minor leagues because of it. He's also gone through some pretty major personal issues that I'm sure most don't know about, nor should they.

Again, I am sorry to hear about the misfortunes that you state have been affecting you. But in the end, the only thing that is important in this particular message board is getting answers to your original question.
Originally posted by J H:
I didn't see anywhere that TPM called you a crybaby. In fact, I found her post to be attempting to help you get a better gauge on the information being given to you. And FYI, her son was a high round draft pick out of a big school. He's had 3 major shoulder surgeries and has toiled in the minor leagues because of it. He's also gone through some pretty major personal issues that I'm sure most don't know about, nor should they.

Again, I am sorry to hear about the misfortunes that you state have been affecting you. But in the end, the only thing that is important in this particular message board is getting answers to your original question.

Well that was actually 2 minor shoulders surgeries and one moved ulnar nerve. Smile

Maybe your dad and grandpop have reason to get on you.

Did you ever look at the video I posted or any of those big league guys, just to see where you might need improvement, I'll bet you didn't.

And yes I am a MOM, and FYI there is no CRYIN' in baseball!

Man up, you've been given suggestions now do some homework and get to work.
Why am I p*ssed at your responses, because I have a player who has had 3 surgeries and worked his butt off to find his way back. Last year an all star this year couldn't hit a bullseye on a barn, but never once, never did he have excuses. If he didn't like the advice given he sought out different ways to improve, that's what serious ballplayers (any level) do.

Right here not word for word but still pretty much getting all ****ed off over MY OPINION and then making it sound like im one of those cry babies who only makes excuses.

Oh and to add on to that quote i also tore my ucl when i was 13 from being over used, missed a year of baseball and then im also extemely lucky because i continued to pitch and threw with the pain because i was told that it was just a bruise.
Last edited by Leeson13
Originally posted by Leeson13:
Oh and to add on to that quote i also tore my ucl when i was 13 from being over used, missed a year of baseball and then im also extemely lucky because i continued to pitch and threw with the pain because i was told that it was just a bruise.

So what, JH just had TJS, is he crying over it, no way, you should take some time out to read his blog, might be an inspiration to get an attitude adjustment and get working.

BTW, what exactly do you do as far as working your butt off, seems to me today you spent the day on the HSBBW. Roll Eyes

Get to work kid, be a winner not a whiner.
Well that was actually 2 minor shoulders surgeries and one moved ulnar nerve.

Maybe your dad and grandpop have reason to get on you.

Did you ever look at the video I posted or any of those big league guys, just to see where you might need improvement, I'll bet you didn't.

And yes I am a MOM, and FYI there is no CRYIN' in baseball!

Man up, you've been given suggestions now do some homework and get to work.

Your right, they do have a reason to because there not like most parents who kiss a s s and expect alot out of me. My dad also blew his chance at playing pro ball which is why he's hard on me but i like it, just makes me want to work harder and get better

ohh and FYI yes i did watch those video clips i spent a good 30-45 minutes going through them, Low Finish also sent me an awsome article which i've been reading for the past hour now. I'll do anything to get better wheather you believe it or not.
Last edited by Leeson13
So what, JH just had TJS, is he crying over it, no way, you should take some time out to read his blog, might be an inspiration to get an attitude adjustment and get working.

BTW, what exactly do you do as far as working your butt off, seems to me today you spent the day on the HSBBW.

Get to work kid, be a winner not a whiner.

This is pretty sad and pathetic, this is how you treat kids looking to get help? and you call yourself an adult?

Your very wrong, i actually went and worked out at some old school with little to no equipment, i then played basketball all for around 3 hours or so, after that i went and played some long toss and went for a run. Ever since i've been reading, looking up stuff and trying to learn, so yes you are very very wrong but nice try.

never cryed about my injury either just thought i'd bring it up because you brought your sons up, is that okay?
Last edited by Leeson13
Originally posted by J H:
TPM- From my experience, the nerve move is pretty major. Its really scary to go from throwing a baseball hard to not being able to move your fingers at all.

In 2 weeks DK was moving his hand ok, and off of that robot arm Big Grin. What I think was major was being told that recovery was quick and that's not how it happened. Carpenter had a long talk with him about how he was ready for spring training, but he had it done earlier not late fall and Pujols isn't a pitcher so his command wasn't an issue. DK rushed it, resulting in trying to throw too hard too soon.

OOPS! That happens to pitchers!
Originally posted by Leeson13:
Your very wrong, i actually went and worked out at some old school with little to no equipment, i then played basketball all for around 3 hours or so, after that i went and played some long toss and went for a run.

Playing basketball and playing long toss is not working your butt off. Sorry you don't like me.

Hope that I do aggravate you enough that you will prove me wrong.
Last edited by TPM
Playing basketball and playing long is not working your but off. Sorry you don't like me.

Hope that I do aggravate you enough that you will prove me wrong.

I'm just making a point that i wasn't on here all day, basketball can actually help with leg strength, so in a way yes its helping me. You should only need 1 to 1 and a half hours to work out anyways as long as your working hard..
I edited my post due to poor spelling, on my part.

Just to let you know, the best players are the ones that face adversity, don't use what you don't have as an excuse, use what you do have to get better.

Listen to those that have had meaningful experiences in the game at the level you are playing or the one you want to play at, even if it's something you don't like to hear. The best coaches (even non professionals) and managers my son has had are the ones he didn't want to hear it from, they were tough as nails on him you have no idea how tough they were, he didn't like what they had to say, but the tougher they were the better they were as well. You came for an opinion and you got it, though there were some you didn't car for, so what?

You have been given some good advice, make the most of it, best of luck.
Last edited by TPM
I never wanted to use it as an excuse, its just at first i recieved many suggestions of getting a pitching coach to work with me and that it may not be best for me to seek advice on here. I was just trying to show what position i'm in. I also didn't mean to offend you in any way by saying that i don't think my mechanics as a whole are the problem. I'm limited to the help that i receieve so if it really is my mechanics as a whole i have no idea what to do, but if its what other people have suggested it being lack of strength, explosiveness etc i can work on that stuff because i know what to do to improve it. I understand everything that your saying and hope that you can understand where im coming from.
Last edited by Leeson13
So it's been about a month and a half since i started this thread and in that time i've gained 2-3mph(81-84mph) playing longtoss almost everyday, doing band work, stretching and working out. I also put on 10 lbs so maybe it had something to do with me getting a little bit stronger.

Is it possible for me to be throwing high 80's by next summer?
Last edited by Leeson13
Originally posted by Leeson13:
So it's been about a month and a half since i started this thread and in that time i've gained 2-3mph(81-84mph) playing longtoss almost everyday, doing band work, stretching and working out. I also put on 10 lbs so maybe it had something to do with me getting a little bit stronger.

Is it possible for me to be throwing high 80's by next summer?

Anything is possible if you work hard at it! Smile

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