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Hi everyone

I'm an 18 year old Rhp. I have made somebody else tape my pitching delivery. Now I know that there are a lot of people that know a ton about pitching in this forum and I'd like you to post you email adress, if you are interested , to let me send you a small clip of my pitching mechanics so you could give me some advice.

FyI: I'm 6"2 180 Lb and I throw about 84 mph.

Thanks a lot in advance
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Originally posted by Breadman:
Hi everyone

I'm an 18 year old Rhp. I have made somebody else tape my pitching delivery. Now I know that there are a lot of people that know a ton about pitching in this forum and I'd like you to post you email adress, if you are interested , to let me send you a small clip of my pitching mechanics so you could give me some advice.

FyI: I'm 6"2 180 Lb and I throw about 84 mph.

Thanks a lot in advance

by reading the thread it appears that cap_n may have corresponed with you. Your in GOOD hands if that is the case. Listen to what he tells you, the cap_n knows how to steer a ship!
Well.......I have a magic key that opens the door to the clip room. Wink

Actually, there's a site where we put clips to view for members. When people have a clip, but no place to store it on their service providers system, we will upload the clip to the HSBBWEB clip site for them. I'm in the process of setting up how this will work for everyone in the near future.
It would be helpful to see you throwing from a mound with your full windup @ game speed but... from the clip you provided most of your mechanics look pretty good. One thing you may want to modify is the pre-break hand action. You appear to start low, bring hands up and out, then back down to break. I would suggest keeping hands a little higher and tighter to your body. It has been my experience that excess movements are best minimized. Keeping your hands close to the point you will break from will allow you to improve on your timing and rhythym. Moving the hands away from the body as you do in the clip creates balance problems that have to be compensated for in your delivery. I hope this is helpful.
With the caveat of not having seen you at full speed or off the mound...

I concur w/ Y about keeping the hands closer to the chest prior to break. Helps keep flail to a minimum. And break thumbs down.

Overall, nice clean mechanics. Good leg lift and stride foot action. Looks like pretty good hip rotation. Good balance. You might try "pulling" the glove elbow back rather than just passively tucking it. This will add some rotation velocity to the torso.

Looks like you have worked hard on your mechanics. Keep up the good work.

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