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I just wanted to hand out a congratulations to a young man I saw play today, I will leave last names out on purpose.

Congratulations John, he played centerfield for the FW Cats 15 today in a game where they beat the Marshals 15 in the Premier Freshman Championship. John had at least two key hits and played centerfield well.

John use to play for the Marshals. He and his parents are high energy people and shared a little to much of that energy with the coaches. They found another team in the FW Cats.

As an opinionated father I have come close to crossing the line ( OK , I have crossed it) when it comes to playing time etc…after being involved in some team movement ourselves and watching what John went through we personally learned a lot about just playing hard and keeping our month shut.

Maybe things could have been worked out but in the end it seems it was better for everyone that they parted ways.

The players on our team learned to listen to the coaches a little better and are more likely to control their emotions on the ballfield. As are the parents sitting in the stands.

John wanted so much to play well in front of his friends and former coaches that you could see it in the way he walked up to the plate. His coach yelled out to him “relax John”, he stepped back and took a deep breath and then stepped back into the box.

John has learned to value his time on the field and his parents have learned the same lesson. I know many of us learned the same lessons from watching.

The Marshals parents were happy for John after the game, it is nice to see a young man come back from adversity.
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