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Hi guys and gals,

I'm curious to know what you think about large national player development groups such as Baseball Factory, which also focus on helping place HS players with college programs?

Are there any programs out there similar to Baseball Factory, or are they pretty much their own thing?

Do most players use these types of services for placing themselves with college programs?

Forgive me if these are stupid questions...I'm just getting started trying to learn this industry, and was told this is a great board for getting some expertise in this industry.


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Hi, istravis and welcome to HSBBW.

Take a look at the find button on this page and type in Baseball Factory. You will get three pages of results and can go from there.

My son hasn't used their services as far as I know, so I won't venture an opinion. I'm sure as you scan through our forums, you will find many opinions about these types of services.

Tell us more about yourself.
Last edited by infidel_08
Hi Infidel,

Thank you for the quick response.

I guess I'm most curious to know what other companies people would consider most comparable to Baseball Factory...I had searched around a bit before posting, but had trouble finding that information.

Me? I'm just a baseball fan thats always been curious about the HS recruiting process...I played a bit when I was younger; nothing special. Certainly never good enough to consider playing in college.
Perfect Game is your best bet for exposure. Depending on the skill level, there is also the USA Junior Olympics (64 teams in two locations in both the East and West Coasts), the Stanford All-Star Camp (for good exposure to the Ivy-league schools), the WWBA (a Perfect Game event) in Florida, and many others. A top performance at a PG Sunshine event could lead to an invite to the National Showcase.. a premier event. There is also the Area Code Games. Bum, Jr. did the Stanford All-Star Camp, the PG World Showcase, the PG Jr. National Showcase, the Mariner Cup at Safeco Field, the USA Junior Olympics, the Pacific NW Championships (3 yrs) and the Junior and Senior Fall Classic in Arizona (many scouts there). He also plays on a great Summer team and a fall scout team. Find out where the scouts will attend in bunches (this is usually where top players will attend to play one another) and contact as many colleges as possible to let them know the player will be there.

BTW, Welcome aboard HSBBW!
Last edited by Bum
Okay - Here's the question. I have searched and read the forum about Basball Factory. Took my 2011 6'4 190lb freshman pitcher to the UA tryout - and received the call that he was selected to the BF USA baseball Jr Olympic Team in Jupiter. I get that the UA/baseball factory tournaments are selected from those who attend their tryouts - BUT is it worth the $$$$$ to send him to the JOs in Jupiter on the BF Seleft team?? BFactory was VERY clear - they are not out to win. They will give equal playing time to players - they are offering exposure and a spot on the team to compete in the best tournament for 16U guys.

Thoughts? It's a lot of cash, but, if the tournament is all that it's cracked up to be, does it matter if it's a Baseball Factory team?
Personally, go with the PG events. BF is very expensive. For example you go to the JOs . they have 18 kids all playing half time.Your guaranteed 4 games, do the math. It will come down to a lot for each at bat.If I was doing it over i would do the PG events, the ones that give a eval. try to get an invite to area code tryouts (free) and if good enough try and get on a scout team. the ones here are free. lots of scouts. coaches are scouts themselves. and again FREE.A few college camps if interested in the school, they also give you a feel for the competition. JMO
3500 per PLAYER?

Years ago we payed 75.00 (per person to the team).


Does the name carry a long way? If one gets selected to try out, 38-40 in all invited to try out for the JO team.

If you think the odds are in your favor, go for it, if not, I wouldn't spend that type of money. NO WAY. Ask on the HSBBW if anyone is looking for a player. It's a great tourney, but for that much, use it in other wise ways (like PG tourny this summer or fall, college camps, summer travel).

I don't get it, parents so down on the lack of $$ awarded for baseball scholarships, yet would consider spend 3500 for a tourney (please tell me this covers transportation and lodging).
Last edited by TPM
If one gets selected to try out, 38-40 in all invited to try out for the JO team.

Okay - how are they selected? When I read the team application that's posted, the coaches pre-recommend players. Is there a separate tryout once you're down there? Coach recommendation and votes? Scouts who see portions of the game?

If you think the odds are in your favor, go for it.

Too hard for me to tell if he's good enough. 6'4 Freshman player on varsity, threw 81 in the UA tryout, 3 good pitches (curve at 66, changeup at 69)

spend 3500 for a tourney (please tell me this covers transportation and lodging)

lodging, 3squares, transportation provided. Not airfare. That'll run about $300.
Originally posted by TRhit:

How do you arrive at that number?


Have you taken teams to this tournament? What do you charge?

I think that, of everyone here, you would know if gamefan is getting his money's worth. Instead of the attitude, why not try to explain why you think this is a reasonable amount or why it's not.

From what I have read elsewhere, TPM's profit calculations might be low. I don't know much about infidel_son's baseball expenses, though.
Last edited by infidel_08

We have never gone to the event in question here so I cannot answer your question

We go to Jupiter in October for the PG WWBA event

Every event is different and not knowing what is included, how many games, exposure, recruiting assistance etc it is hard to judge and believe me I do not judge what others do, be it a travel team or an organization running events.

BTW you can cut the attitude ****---I simple asked how she got that number--she is always throwing things on the table with no basis and most times she is leading people astray with incorrect information.
Last edited by TRhit
You with tha Pink Poodle

Not discrediting--just wanting people to know that she is not ALL KNOWING and usually spews misinformation---I will tell her she is wromg just as I tell my wife she is wrong--- we debate all the time ---by the way I dont know TPM athletic backf ground but I have a wife who played fast pitch softball for 20 years and also developed and ran a boys league for many years

Yes we dispute/debate but she at least knows what she is talking about

She also thinks I am insane but still loves me because of it---by the way we met at a baseball clinic--how does that grab you

"Here come the Ladies Guild"

Whether from the perspective of a "lady", a baseball parent, or just a baseball fan who wants to read discussions about the game, I'd have to say that you are acting very ungentlemanly. It is not right for all these threads to get sidetracked by insults and personal attacks. PLEASE stop doing that.


I respect you the nth degree but someone has to be upfront here and I am not afraid to be the one--too many of the " Ladies Guild" give info that is not totally correct---I have no problem with Ladies, read my response to SSmom in another thread, but just as I will challange a male I will challenge a female if the info is in my mind not correct. As you are well aware I will even challenge players for ther correct information

Isnt this what this site is all about?---banter/debate back and forth---it seems to be changing--see ITS thread on "lockdowns"---apparently I am not the only one feeling the lack of freedom of expression

Am I not allowed to challenge ANYONE who I feel is giving out what I believe to be incorrect information? I can challenge and let them prove me wrong

I always believed this was a site where we could express our opinions but suddenly it is not that way

As for being "ungentlemanly" I have never been such in my life--- the ladies need to realize that if they want to come on a site and offer info they be ready to be challenged if someone feels they are incorrect---

Just my thinking

Addendum: "insults and personal attacks"---PLEASE read the retorts from the ladies---then talk to me about insults and personal attacks---there have been instances where they have attacked my manhood---DO I CARE--not in the least--I expect it--it part of being on a website--as for my being secure in my manhood, which they have alluded to, they can rest assured that I am very much secure--I have even been known to wear pink and not just in my underwear--my wife thinks I look great in pink--I am her "mancandy"

I trust that will explain my stance
Last edited by TRhit

No I do not think I am insulting--if want to see that then turn me loose---I am truly tired of everone not wanting to insult anyone-- it oall PINK and FLUFFY---by the way putting pink dye on a poodle can KILL them by closing the pores-- isnt that KOOL

What are your posts to me?---not insulting?--ask me if I care--I enjoy the banter and debate--

Just give inofrmation that is factual if you are giving information---opinionms are another thing and that is what the fun is all about

PS Futureback --when we talk mature look at your location---
Last edited by TRhit
FBM,...I too have asked specific questions to TR and rarely do I get a specific answer.
( Figured he was just ignoring me. )
Problem is there is a team of ball players out in the midwest that I ask questions for.
I sincerely thank those that do make the effort to answer them, especially if it is an obvious well known answer to others with more experience.

And for the record TR,....real men don't wear underwear. Wink Big Grin
Last edited by shortstopmom
You and TPM seem to have a bit of a feud going. No idea who is right or wrong, but you do seem to be looking for opportunities to attack her. She's putting out her ideas and trying to help. If you think it is misinformation then by all means post what you think is correct, but you seem to be going after nits in order to attack her. She made a guess at a $ number based on her own experience that might be right or might be wrong and you attacked her for putting that number out. I think we all understood that she was just making an estimate and hadn't calculated it out to the nth degree. The attack didn't help anything or anyone. The bluntness is what it is, but when you start picking on an individual to go after then it is bad for the site. I'm not entirely blameless in that arena so perhaps it is pretty easy for me to recognize what is going on here.

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