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One of the parent's at our games today said he had received word that Ryan Payne (Dbat 16's) had taken a pitch to the cheek/jaw that resulted in two broken bones.

Ryan's father is a regular poster on this site. Prayers for Ryan to have a complete and speedy recovery.

It's amazing how harmful some baseball injuries can be. Here's hoping everyone has a safe summer season.
"Do what is right, no matter the circumstance."
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Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts - Ryan appreciates all of it. It was just one of those things where a pitch sailed high and in with no time to duck out of the way. He sustained a broken jaw bone on the left side (with the ball stitches boldly imprinted on his face), and a crack of the jaw bone on the right. Three of his bottom teeth are out of place. . .nine months after the braces had come off. The care he received at a small-town hospital outside of Baton Rouge (a mile down the road from the field we were playing on) wasn't exactly what I would have hoped for, but they did give him some a small amount of pain medicine to get us through the seven-hour ride back home. We immediately headed to our hospital in Carrollton and he was given morphine to help ease his discomfort. He has an appointment with the **** surgeon Monday morning, to determine if the jaw will be wired or not. You play ball long enough, these things happen. My guess is after this is over, he'll never want to eat soup, pudding or jello again. Thank you all for your concern. You are a class bunch and your friendships - even though we are on a different team than the Mustangs - mean a lot.
Last edited by Hawkman
FO, right you are! And what a great team of people you all are proving to be.
Not everyone agrees with every opinion tossed out on these boards day in and day out - and that's not a bad thing. Diversity is important, and it's great that everyone can think for themselves. But when something unexpected happens to one of "our" ballplayers, its nice to know that people still have compassion, one of the most underrated of human emotions in my opinion. Again, thank you all. We've received many e-mails and calls and it does help.
Ryan's dad,

Ryan is in our family prayers and has been in mine since the moment he got hit. We will continue to pray for an improved prognosis and a speedy recovery to solid foods.

I still can't beleive it happened, the moment was just so surreal.

We all look forward to having Ryan back in the dugout to continue being the leader he is on the team.

Danny's dad.
RP is set for surgery today at 4 p.m. to have the jaw wired. Surgeon said there is no other option based on the break, so here we go. . .an overnight stay in the hospital with, at most, three TV channel selections.

Two teeth were also cracked and, according to the surgeon, the kid will have to have root canal surgery on both near the end of the summer. That may be the most troubling thing to a 16-year-old who brushes his teeth six times a day whether they need it or not.

Thanks for all the well wishes. He's in good hands.
Last edited by Hawkman
Thank you all for the calls, e-mails and PMs.

Ryan underwent successful surgery late yesterday and came home early this morning. He'll need some time to get used to the wiring, but it will come.

Your thoughts and prayers have been an important part of dealing with this situation for all of us in the Hawk family. I know Ryan would like to fast-forward through the next 4-6 weeks, but he'll get through it and be fine.

Already one piece of good news arrived via e-mail today; The Rangers have indicated that Ryan would be extended another invitation to the Area Code tryouts next year, and they sent him a nice note about following doctor's orders for a speedy recovery. This means a lot to the boy and provided a little lift. That was a class move by the club and AC organizers.

Again, thank you all very much for every good thought and prayer sent this way. I said it before, and I'll say it again: It helps.

See you on the field sometime down the road. Play ball!

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