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Now that the summer season has started, I have been doing some men's leagues.  Most teams have a player manager.  So at what point is the player/manager a player or a manager?   Say he is a catcher calls time to go to the mound to talk to the pitcher, is that a trip?  It wouldn't be one if the manager were in the dugout.  Is it only a trip if it gets excessive?  I have never been questioned from the opponents on what may / may not be a trip, but am looking to prepare myself - just in case.

Original Post

Assuming you are using OBR rules, then this from MLBUM should cover it:


In the case of a player-manager, in the judgment of the umpire any visit to the mound will constitute a trip. The umpire shall notify the player-manager and the opposing manager each time a trip is charged.


In the case of a player-coach, while playing the coach will be treated as a player until he is considered to have abused the privilege. If, in the judgment of the umpire, the privilege is abused, the player-coach and his manager will be advised that any future visits to the mound will be charged as trips.

Last edited by noumpere

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