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I'm a redshirted junior athleticly at a small NAIA school in NE. However, I am on track to graduate in May of this year. that being said, I would have one year of eligibility left that I would love to use. Based on what God has given me chances are I will not play professionally, so taking more undergraduate classes just to play another year would be a waste of money. However, I do want to get my MBA. Has anyone ever heard of someone playing a college sport while taking graduate studies? I'm just wondering if I honestly would have the time to do both.
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At Clemson there are often bb players who graduate and still have eligibility left and continue with graduate studies and play baseball. We even have a player who graduated, is working now and will continue his graduate studies and play in the spring. As long as you have eligibility left, a coach who still needs you, you can play. Most often though, scholarships that are given are reduced
This is not uncommon for football players. Since college is the training ground for NFL, redshirted players are encouraged to stay and play as long as they can. Last years quarterback at Clemson, graduated and continued to play another year due to the fact that he had eligibility left.
I am assuming you would want to attend another school?
You should have this discussion with your coach and your advisor.
Thegame2003.....this topic is covered in the "After High School" forum, under a posting titled, "D3 to graduate school". Krace4 posted a very comprehensive response on 9/15/ son, like you thinks that if able...he would like to get his fourth year of ball in..... also at the grad level.....

.....don't ever let anyone tell you when it's time to quit this game....that should come from you......meantime keep playing as long as you want to and are able.....enjoy....and....good luck to you.
Last edited by LadyNmom
Been - at what point should any/all ballplayers give a younger guy a chance?? Maybe as soon as they figure out that they don't have a chance at pro ball?? Maybe after HS??...Legion?/ TBall???

As long as this young man has the passion and the ability to play, why should he leave the opportunity to someone 'younger' who may not even appreciate it as much as him? Maybe his maturity and leadership will have a positive effect on his yet-to-be-known teammates and provide them with a lesson in hard work and perserverance.

Sorry, man, but I think you missed the boat by a long shot on this one.

Gamer2003 - "PLAY ON, DUDE!!" make 'em drag you off the field spikes first!!
Frankly, I don't really care what he does.

He asked for an opinion, and I gave him my opinion.

To be criticized because you have an OPINION sounds sounds what the Administration tried to do to that Congressman when he said we should pull the troops out now.

Turns out, with the release of the NIE report, he was right!

We spend BILLIONS on the miltary and we can't beat a bunch of mopes on camels with AK 47's! Wipe 'em out and come home. This is ridiculous!
Gamer - Best of luck to you! I think it's great that you have another year of eligibility left and hope you maximize that opportunity athletically and academically!

My own son RS last year and I'll be delighted if he has an opportunity to attain some courses toward his masters and continue playing ball in a fifth year!

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