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Originally posted by BaseballBigDaddy:
As for the "rumor" about frisco's ace, he is perfectly eligible. And if I remember correctly, centennial thought they won the world series when they beat Frisco at Frisco. So I'd guess that it was a little payback when Frisco "celebrated like they won the district"

Well, that's good. I would hate for senior to miss out on the playoffs. As for Centennial's celebration, I was not there. However, they had just dropped two straight and Frisco was ranked. So it was an upset more so, at that time, than Frisco beating Centennial (never ranked).
Originally posted by Clemson896:
Originally posted by Nuke:
BTW Clemson -- one of their wins was against you guys and from what I heard they should've swept the series so you might want to be careful before you start taking jabs...

I'm guessing it was a Frisco fan that fed you that opinion. Both games were close and won in the late innings. Centennial could have very easily taken both games. If my memory serves me, Frisco must have thought themselves fortunate to take the second game as they celebrated after the win as if they had just won the district. And who is taking jabs? Since when did it become an insult to say one team feels they match up better with one team over another?

I think if you'll re-read your very thoughtless original post, you'll realize that you've implied that another team of which you have no direct involvement, essentially threw a game to Liberty in order to play a particular team in the playoffs (a Rockwall-Heath team that very well may be the best 4A team in the state, no less). First of all that is patently false, secondly by repeating it you provide fuel for a rumor that is baseless and finally, I'm not sure why you feel the compulsion to provide commentary on a team with which you have no involvement.

By the way, my "rumor" about Centennial was totally fabricated in an attempt to illustrate how anyone can make up a rumor. Obviously the point was lost. I have not heard anything about Centennial's strategy or thought process, nor do I care as I DON'T HAVE A SON OR RELATIVE THAT PLAYS ON CENTENNIAL'S TEAM....and I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable repeating rumors about Centennial even if I heard them.

In closing, I'm fairly close to Frisco's "ace" and if you'll PM me I can probably provide you accurate information for you to pass around rather than unsubstantiated rumor.
Last edited by Riders03
Originally posted by Riders03:
Originally posted by Clemson896:
Originally posted by Nuke:
BTW Clemson -- one of their wins was against you guys and from what I heard they should've swept the series so you might want to be careful before you start taking jabs...

I'm guessing it was a Frisco fan that fed you that opinion. Both games were close and won in the late innings. Centennial could have very easily taken both games. If my memory serves me, Frisco must have thought themselves fortunate to take the second game as they celebrated after the win as if they had just won the district. And who is taking jabs? Since when did it become an insult to say one team feels they match up better with one team over another?

I think if you'll re-read your very thoughtless original post, you'll realize that you've implied that another team of which you have no direct involvement, essentially threw a game to Liberty in order to play a particular team in the playoffs (a Rockwall-Heath team that very well may be the best 4A team in the state, no less). First of all that is patently false, secondly by repeating it you provide fuel for a rumor that is baseless and finally, I'm not sure why you feel the compulsion to provide commentary on a team with which you have no involvement.

By the way, my "rumor" about Centennial was totally fabricated in an attempt to illustrate how anyone can make up a rumor. Obviously the point was lost. I have not heard anything about Centennial's strategy or thought process, nor do I care as I DON'T HAVE A SON OR RELATIVE THAT PLAYS ON CENTENNIAL'S TEAM....and I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable repeating rumors about Centennial even if I heard them.

In closing, I'm fairly close to Frisco's "ace" and if you'll PM me I can probably provide you accurate information for you to pass around rather than unsubstantiated rumor.

I'm gonna have to root for Centennial. I mean any school that's named after a liquor store deserves my support.
Last edited by Texas Crude

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