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I just watched your video a few times.

My opinion...and let me reiterate that it is my opinion, you will hear some other good stuff that will probably be better than what I'm telling you:

Stay down (your hips pop up earlier than I like to see in my catchers) Keeping your hips low through the through will help you use your legs for power, and keeping your ball on a line to second.

Stay level (Your back shoulder dips as you're throwing) The ball that you threw in this video went up right out of your hand. Remember that you want to throw on a line, not an arch. Keep your shoulders level and closed, and the ball will be less likely to sail high and away from 2nd base so long as your hand stays behind the ball.
Harlingen- That's a heck of a shiner! I hope you weren't seriously injured. Please tell me that's not from a play at the plate where you removed your mask!?!

Anyway, couple things I picked up and some others have already mentioned it. You are coming up too much, you need more of that energy (drive off back side) to drive you out, not up. Also, your transfer is very loose. Meaning you almost look to be "flipping" the ball from your mitt to your throwing hand. Bring your transfer point back just a bit. This will help with your feet and hand timing as well. You have a slight hesitation with your throwing arm once the ball is transferred, that is your arm slowing down so your feet can catch up. By bringing your glove back more to your throwing hand, this will elimate that and will also you help keep you front side closed longer.

Good Luck- hope this is helpful!

Coach Fletcher
Last edited by DavidFletcher
Let the ball keep deep and catch it deep dont reach out in front of you to catch it. Shorten your throw in other words your reaching back and this takes time. So "Your reaching out in front for the baseball and the ball travels faster to you than you travel to it , it gets you off balance to reach out in front and causes you to stand up early and when you reach back to throw you are taking too long to get the ball in the air."

If you allow the ball to travel deep to your glove and then shorten your release you will see some good improvements. You look like a really good athletic kid back there. Good luck

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