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I finally get to brag!!!

After a series of "be prepared when you get your chance" speaches and the highs and lows of being a first year player, my son got his first start today.

In the first game of a double header he went 2-3 with a walk, the second game he went 1-3 with a hbp and a solo HR the last time he came up.

For all you dad's out there, all the words of incouragment and patience are worth all of the heartbreak as you watch your son grow.
Posted on the NYCBL website. Just a little something about Itsinthegame's son "D". Way to go

No surprise that Darin Mastroianni is already tearing it up for the Screaming Eagles of USI this spring. He’s batting a team-best .536 with one home run, eight RBI and ten stolen bases. He has 15 hits in 28 at-bats and has scored 12 runs. He led Southern Indiana in almost every offensive category last year. Mastroianni was a first-team NYCBL all-star, won the NYCBL All-Star Game Home Run Derby (as a late replacement) and was the Offensive MVP of the playoffs. With the numbers that Darin is putting up, he’s a good candidate to be drafted in June. He is a junior right now, so this will be his first draft-eligible year since he entered college.
Gamer's son is a gamer! And his younger son is a player as well, Kyle. Congrats to Itsinthegames son.

My son is off to a great start again this year. Through four games he has 5 hr's 3 dbls and 13 rbi's. He has homered in every game with two on the first two pitches he saw in our last game. Last year he missed the all time HR record at our HS by one. Maybe this is the year he breaks it. Anyway we are 3-1 and hoping to have another great season.
Got to see Tiger Paw Mom's son last night and he was dirty. Had a no/no thru 4 1/3, wound up taking the tough loss as WCU greeted Clemson's reliever with about 4 straight hits. TPM's son, I heard around the dugout was in the 90's with alot of sink, WCU was fortunate when they took him out, TPM you should invest in wood bat companies, because he is going to saw off and break a ton of them at the next level.

TPM, I didn't get a chance to say hello to him and I apologize, but Leggett had them on the bus in a hurry after the game. I think my son and I are venturing to Clemson next week to watch the rematch, I will try and speak to him then. If you speak to him, I know he hears it alot, but he was filthy, and we enjoyed watching him pitch.
Thank you NJBB, what a great idea indeed. An Edison Moment peace shep

JOHN FLANAGAN 2007 LHP pitched a no-hitter in 7 full innings of work in his first outing today for Bellville West High School in Bellville, IL.

With 30+ scouts present, John Flanagan put on a display that rivals few this spring as a tall 6'6" lanky athlete coming fresh off the bowling lanes as High School State Champion bowler with a 240 average in State Tournament. In 7 innings of effortless work, Flanagan threw 76 pitches working above 90MPH for most of the game registering 92mph on several fastballs when he wanted to keeping hitters off-balance with command of off-speed pitches as well as a lively fastball.

He is very similiar to Zachary Duke in make-up and mechanics. He will get stronger as weather continues to get warmer this spring and has an OFP grade that is off the charts, IMHO. This player could be the late-charger toward the top of the heap along with Nevin Griffith of Middleton HS in Tampa, FL. peace shep

John Flanagan gained my attention as well as many others this past summer in San Diego, CA in the AFLAC scrimmage games the day before the televised main event.
I am not sure how much information I can get on here, but I am going to try anyway. I am trying to find out how to get my son noticed by D-I colleges or any pro scouts for a possible draft right out of high school. My son is 16 years old (17 this April 24th), 6'4" tall, 175 lbs, and is currently a junior in high school. His fastball tops out at 90 mph and tails off as it reaches the plate, his curveball averages in the mid to upper 70s and moves from the 2 o'clock position to the 7 or 8 o'clock position with a span of break of about 18 inches (right to left), and his change-up averages about 75 mph with a delivery that looks like his fastball delivery. His mechanics are very smooth and his delivery is very natural. He handles pressure very well and doesn't get frustrated much at all. He has relatively good ball placement throughout the strike zone and usually makes good decisions about which pitches to throw and when to throw them. He is a very coachable kid and loves to play the game! We are going to try and find some professional team tryouts throughout the summer months, if we can find some within a one state radius of Ohio in any direction. I am confident that he can and will make it to the next level if the right people see him pitch! If anyone wishes to follow his season, contact me and I can give you his game schedule for his local high school season. Their games are to begin March 28th and run through the first week of May. He will then be playing summer league baseball for the same school and the same coach. His coaches name can be given to anyone who wishes to contact him through me. We are located in west-central to northwest Ohio. Thanks to all!
Background: Son is a freshman playing varsity. It's been a big transition for him (as I suspected it would be) and he's struggled a bit at the plate during the first part of the season. Tough on the ego when he's been batting well over .500 in his age group. (Still pounds the ball when he's filling in as a JV catcher.)

SO, tonight the Varsity played a region game against tough competition: #4 in the state. The boy hits two stand up doubles and a single against one of their best pitchers-- and makes several crucial catches in left field against the fence. The team ended up losing in the end by 2 runs, but it was great to see my boy back in his groove. Big Grin
Last edited by quillgirl
CASon gave up his first hit and run today (total of 3 innings). He threw the 7th inning in a JV game they had a comfortable lead in. He wasn't throwing all that hard but had good command and good movement. He got the first two hitters to pop up then his velocity picked up a bit as he hit 78 and 79 to get ahead of the next hitter, but he dropped down to 76 and gave up a clean ground ball single through the hole. The left fielder misplayed it (cow pasture out there) and the runner advanced to third. The next hitter topped one to third and the third baseman made a throw in the dirt that the first baseman couldn't scoop allowing the run to score. CASon got ahead of the next hitter with a couple swinging strikes on the inside corner and then picked it up a little throwing one down the middle at 81 that was taken for strike three. He worked ahead in the count all the way.
Krak, Jr. (16,JR,2008) opened the season for Seoul American High School as they faced a very tough and disciplined Korean team.

4IP, 3K, 1BB, 3hits, 0ER

They were easily the toughest team we'll play this year (unless the Memorial Day trip to Japan works out), and it's great for OUR American boys to see how they play the game - small-ball, go hard, go fast.
Last edited by Krakatoa
Awesome Krak, Thats the way to start out.

EH's Son earned his first D1 win of the season in 14 APP. 10.1 IP
0.87 ERA. With only 1 earned run.
Came in to the tied game in the top of the 11th, with 2 on and 2 outs.
Threw 5 pitches. Struck the batter out looking on a wicked change up.
You take them any way you can get them.
Way to go young Krak and young EH!

Hey Krak...what day was that nice picture of your son taken? Yesterday or the day before tomorrow? It's so terribly confusing with that International Dateline snaking in there between us and you guys.

I guess I'll never quite grasp that whole International Dateline deal...I think I'll stick with the domestic variety...

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Well folks

Its time to introduce you to my younger son... James.. Last week he got promoted to varsity HS team (as a sophomore) and played in the Lion's tournament in San Diego.... All he did for a premier is hit 6 for 8 3 dbls and a HR 3 BBs and a HBP....

He always tries to compare himself to his older bother but, if you count JV games he already has as many HRs as his brother did the same age...... and I'm very proud of his acheivenments this year and the work he has put into his game and school work

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It's been a while since I posted here, but thought it's a good time for an update. Sean got his first college start vs Iowa on 3/13, throwing 6 IP with 4 ERs, 6Ks, and 1BB and got the win. The first two batters of the game hit back-to-back solo jacks, then he settled in and bore down for the next six innings pretty well. But that's just his personality, he can let it go and move on. After the back-to-back jacks, he finished the 1st with two Ks.

Prior to the season he was asked to focus on pitching only for this season, partly because he was throwing well in pre-season scrimmages and partly because there were plenty of upper classmen stacked up at 1B as dedicated offensive players. He was fine with that since the first couple months of trying to work the bullpen, pitchers runs, BP, and infield drills was next to impossible without feeling like he was always missing out on something. It was an adjustment because he's always loved to swing the bat, but he felt he could contribute more on the mound, as did the coaches. The reality of why there's not many two-way guys at the college level sunk in: the shear time required to take your hitting or pitching to that next level while trying to also get an education.

His first couple innings at the beginning of the season were a bit rough, in my opinion because he was overthinking it too much. After his 3rd/4th inning of the season he settled into throwing his stuff with more confidence and authority, and he's done well since then giving up few walks and doing a good job of getting key outs. Half of his 12 ERs so far this season came in his first 4 IP out of 21 IP total to date (4 ERs in his 1st inning alone), so he definitely got over the initial nerves or whatever and figured it out: Keep the ball low; Throw the offspeed stuff for strikes early; Don't miss your spots; Don't give up free bases; and, Don't overthink or overthrow ... just stay within yourself. He's currently being used mostly for short relief, but it seems like the coach has confidence in him, bringing him in with runners on to induce a DP, GO, or popup, plus his current .103 BB ratio helps. He gets K's when he needs to, but his ball movement induces a lot of rollover GOs or PUs. A fair amount of the hits off him are squibs that find a gap (other than the HRs vs Iowa Smile).

He knows the key is consistency and throwing strikes, which he's done pretty well after he got the initial "Welcome to D1 Baseball" innings out of his system. He keeps working hard to earn more innings through that consistency ... more innings, deeper into games, maybe even a few starts. I definitely see the shift in his attitude pre-season vs now, more aggressive, more confident, more of a glint in his eye when he gets the ball. It's partly a burning hunger to pitch more ... a "the hell that batter's going to get me off this mound" attitude, partly recognizing what it takes to pitch at the D1 level and feeling he's up to the task. Just more of a "Hell yeah" attitude when I ask him if he's ready to go if tapped.
Last edited by pbonesteele

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