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Please put Coach K in your prayers tonight. We had a freak accident at our game tonight. My son was pitching and the batter hit a line drive into our dugout that hit our head coach right under the eye. He had a helmet on and was just to the side of the dugout. I have never seen a high school baseball field go silent. We felt like it took the ambulance forever. Thank goodness one of our father's is a doctor and was there to keep everyone calm. The good news is he was coherent when he left in the ambulance to go to the hospital. All of the boys are beside themselves. I doubt if any will sleep tonight. They suspended the game and I think it was the first time in many years I ever heard our rivalry agreed that we were all happy and it was the right thing to do. Sorry if this was too long, but I am a little traumatized myself.
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Mine was in the dugout early this hit in the back of the head with a line drive...ball off his skull bounced scross the field into the other dugout...out the emergency room in a rush...5 hour wait there...Brain scan...follow up neurological tests...scary time...Fine now...for the record, these things can start badly and turn out OK...

Prayers and thoughts...


Scary indeed.

One moment everything is great. Afternoon. Two teams. Baseball field. Not a worry in the world.

The next moment total anxiety. One baseball. Hit hard. Wrong place at the wrong time.

From up to down in an instant. From overall joy to a burning knot in the stomach.

Our prayers are with you, the teams, your ooach, and all of the fans.

And! I'm so relieved to know that your son is OK following that incident. Same thing. From high to low in a flash.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
O44- I am so sorry about your son but happy he is doing well now.

First reports this morning are very hopeful. It looks like the worst injury is a shattered nose and perhaps another facial fracture. He will have surgery in a couple of days. Many of the boys went to the hospital last night and came home relieved that coach is going to be OK.

Thanks for your prayers.
Originally posted by LauraZA: First reports this morning are very hopeful. It looks like the worst injury is a shattered nose and perhaps another facial fracture. He will have surgery in a couple of days. Many of the boys went to the hospital last night and came home relieved that coach is going to be OK.

Thanks for your prayers.

Seeems strange to say with a shattered nose and facial fractures these cases...would seem to be good news.

Laura - I've been through this as a parent and it is scary as heck! Ours went through two surgeries including 4 plates put in his face around his eye socket. Happy to say he is still pitching 4 years Spring Training right now.

Seeems strange to say with a shattered nose and facial fractures these cases...would seem to be good news.

Very true, but I've come to learn as horrific as this sounds, its better than getting hit in the side of the head (aka Gunnar Sandberg) because the bones in the front of your face act more like a 'crumple zone,' thus absorbing some of the blow. The side of the head offers little to no protection for the brain.

My prayers are with your coach Laura. I just feel he's going to be alright and he will become a fine example for all of the kids on his team.

Keep us informed! Wink

O44 - Somehow I think I missed that news about your son...or is it just my aging brain?? Eek Anyways, hope he is ok.
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by LauraZA:
O44- I am so sorry about your son but happy he is doing well now.

First reports this morning are very hopeful. It looks like the worst injury is a shattered nose and perhaps another facial fracture. He will have surgery in a couple of days. Many of the boys went to the hospital last night and came home relieved that coach is going to be OK.

Thanks for your prayers.

Best wishes for your coach having a full and quick recovery. He's lucky in a sense. As O44 said, it could have been a lot worse. These are always scary moments, even when you're not there. In the last 3 years, I've received calls from college coaches twice, to tell me that pitchers I used to coach when they were younger were hit in the face with line drives. Fortunately, neither suffered serious injury, only bad cuts and stitches, but it's always a very scary situation. Glad to read that your coach will be OK.

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