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I have a Pocket Radar (Ball Coach - Blue Button), and I have had it for a little over a year.  I use rechargeable batteries and even when charged the battery meter on the Pocket Radar has not been registering as fully charged recently.  Also, the speeds (both pitching and tee velocity) seem to be lower than I would expect, and lower than what was gunned at a recent team tryout.

Has anyone else seen this to be true? I am trying to see if this might be the cause or if there are other concerns.  My Pocket Radar seems to be having more "false" reads than it did a year ago.

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I have the same PR model.  While I do get some false or completely blank readings at times, I sat next to a PBR guy using a Stalker Pro this summer and mine was very close to his readings.  His Stalker Pro has a decimal point (so XX.X) while the PR doesn't, but I remember thinking that ours were never more than about 1/2 mph off and I'll bet it had everything to do with our angles being slightly different.

I used to have the $120ish Bushnell gun that is general purpose and learned that it's fairly inaccurate with baseball.  PR's were consistently reading 5-8 mph faster than it, so out it went.

I think the PR is one of best products to come out for baseball in years.  Affordable when compared to Stalkers and the like, but I don't look anywhere near as toolish using it as I did with the big Bushnell.  Granted, I might still look toolish for any number of others reasons, but that's for another thread.

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