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It looks like there have been some changes in the ass't coaching positions at Pomona.  Coach Trachtenberg doesn't seem to be there any longer and Coach Scott Zine is new, handling the recruiting responsibilities.  There is also another new assistant. Anyone have any specific, current news about the program?

"Don't be mean now because remember: Wherever you go, there you are..." Buckaroo Banzai

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I hope all goes well for him as well. They are a member of the SCIAC and of coarse are a DIII. DIII coaching staffs usually have a lot of churn. There are some that have the same assistants from year to year but not many. A lot of them rely on volunteers, which are usually graduate students or young men trying to get into the profession. Never go to a D3 especially because of an assistant coach. Chances are they will not be there all four years. 

Sons school the head coach and one assistant have been there for quite a while. Their pitching coach has been there quite a while as well off and on. (took last year off to try to retire to Florida) But the most any other assistant stays is probably 3 years. 

Looks like Pomona has a few that have been there a while as well. But that usually means the rest kinda get churned. The ones who are paid stick around, until they can move up. The volunteers are usually  looking for that first paid position. 

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