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Trying to make sense out of what a veteran major leaguer has to say, reminds me how diferent they are from 99.9% of everyone else.

Randy Johnson now says he is misunderstood and got a bad rap in the NY press. Curt Schilling is OK if sticks to talking about baseball, but he doesn't.

"I love being the highest-paid player in the game. It's pretty cool. I like making that money," he said. "I was poor and broke when I grew up. I didn't have that type of money to help out children. Now I get a chance to help out children. Whatever you say is important. People listen to you. That's pretty cool. Nobody used to listen to me before."

Keep talking gibberish and they will be listening alot less.


"The thing I got ticked about the most," Johnson said, "is a lot of times in New York there were people who wrote (stuff) that never ever bothered to come in and introduce themselves.

"I thought it was funny when I was in New York and I wanted to pitch every fifth day my first year, that people said, `Why wouldn't you want an extra day? You're old,' " added Johnson, now 43. "See, there you go. I mean, sit down and talk to me."

Just shut up and play. See if you can the ERA under 5. Is spring training over yet?
I've had second thoughts. Perhaps ARod is just not very good at managing relationships. I think he felt he and DJ would draw closer if they were in the same infield. Sadly, the opposite happened and they drifted apart.

Maybe they can give it one more try.

Don't take your love away from me
Don't you leave my heart in misery
If you go then I'll be blue
'Cause breaking up his hard to do

Remember when you held me tight
And you kissed me all through the night
Think of all that we've been through
Breaking up is hard to do

They say that breaking up is hard to do
Now I know, I know that it's true
Don't say that this is the end
Instead of breaking up I wish that we were making up again

I beg of you, don't say goodbye
Can't we give our love another try
Come on baby, let's start anew
'Cause breaking up is hard to do
-Neil Sedaka
Last edited by Dad04
you also have to remember that most of the stuff guys are quoted saying is made to sound worse by the press than it actually is. I mean as a ballplayer if you understand how things work in the clubhouse its not at all very bad what he said about DJ. All he said is that they arent as close as they once were, whats so wrong with that? The media is gonna make it big because they have nothing else to write about, but if you are in a clubhouse, you realize that in pro ball rarely is there any team chemistry beyond the field. In the minors there is some since we have to room together and whatever group we have goes and eats together. Off the field there isnt too much chemistry with players, and thats what A-rod is saying. Now on the field its a different story, regardless of how much money you get paid, you still have pride in your team and you play hard for your teammates because they will for you. I mean you see the brawls, pitchers drill guys for the batters as retaliation, the funny thing is, the pitchers rarely have ANY contact with the position players, we practice seperately and generally our lockers are on the other side of the room for them, but is someone throws at them you can be **** sure one of their guys is gonna get it back. This is all just another case of the media trying to make something out of nothing because they dont have a story. Its that simple

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