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Are you going up to Memphis for GameDayProspects
function? I believe Dan Jennings will be guest speaker and cover segment, "What a scout looks for in a player". Should be excellent gathering with "many" knowledgeable baseball minds that we all know so well present at event. Believe registration info. can be found in Alabama thread somewhere.

Before I answer that next..1, I have a question for you, sir. Are you the same person I conversed with for hours upon hours about three years ago here at this site who I also e-mailed and communicated with frequently?

We would talk about hitting, pitching, muscles used for athletic movements, training methods for advanced "players", theory and philosophy about everything under the sun about hitting. I went by the name Rat Shapiro/Gotta See 'Em Shep with the stupid avatars-LOL

If this is the same person, you have done well and I too wish to say, Happy Birthday! party birthday
when making the "U" shape what does it specificaly do in terms of quickness to the ball and bat speed?

Keeps bat as part of the body/ core in the initial pat of the rotation.

When the led elbow is behind the belly buttin the shoulders are loaded.Kids try to push the bat back rather than load the shoulders

When you maintain this position to foot plant( with a toe 45 degrees you just increased the energy stored in the torso in the torque position Kids never get to foot plant without breaking the "upper body box" down.

Swings initiayed with a bent lead elbow have a short radius.

Maintaining and perserving the wrist c-**** until just prior to contact is and absolute for bat speed. In youth ball( LL) , this could be the most important swing characteristic. The loopy pitches can negate other parts of the kinetic chaining. You must perserve the wrist ****. In order to do this it must come coc-ked gong to toe touch. It fails to do so on most kids so we pre-c-cok it

Maintaining the box through part of the rotation is an absolute for quickness

This U is easy for kids to see and a great starting cue and illustration to keep the kids from trying the intuitive which is " hit the ball with the arms and hands in a push fashion. When they do they extend their rear elbow and rear leg...a linear approach
Last edited by swingbuster
Are you the same person I conversed with for hours upon hours about three years ago here at this site who I also e-mailed and communicated with frequently?

We would talk about hitting, pitching, muscles used for athletic movements, training methods for advanced "players", theory and philosophy about everything under the sun about hitting. I went by the name Rat Shapiro/Gotta See 'Em Shep with the stupid avatars-LOL

No, I'm like brand new to this site.

Thanks swingbuster.
If you are brand new, keep up the great work and Happy belated Birthday anyway!!!!

Swing is in the know IMHO and an excellent instructor. Highly recommend suggestions of hitting style but also agree with many of the others here such as Linear BBscout and a host of others here on this site.

Keep up the great work!!!

Shep Cares

Should have sent PM to address that question but will answer since you have addressed the board.

Swing and Linear both have much knowledge but just have different teaching styles.

What works for some individuals might not work for others and it is good to have options to explore and investigate.

Both have great contributions here and deserve to be heard.

Would be injustice to paint "anybody" out of the learning process by making remarks about someone's teaching style.

Take what you need, get in the trenches, and test it out. (Practice-Educate) What works for some, may not work for others.

I still contend that if you think center, that is the key. Linear has the key to all with this statement he has made on this board on more than one occasion.

Baseball related movements are both rotational and linear, ya just can't get around that!!!

Would also like to add that both of their ideas could be dangerous for an advanced hitter-LOL


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