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I'm curious what you guys have heard about this June's MLB Draft. What kids have a real shot at being drafted in the state, if any (high school)? I know in this area, the Fox Valley, there could be many as four draftees in June. But two players that have a real shot are McHenry pitcher Zach Badgley, throws around 91-92 mph, and is signed with Northern Illinois, and Prairie Ridge outfielder Nick Martini, who has been clocked at 88-89 mph from the outfield and has great power and speed, and is signed with Kansas State. What have you guys heard around lately?
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Some of the names above are more likely candidates. My sleeper is Matt Mirabel C Mt. Carmel. hi 1.8 lo 1.9 pop 5plus - 6 arm -very strong body- great bat speed( fast hands ). More importantly he wants to go to pro out of h.s.(signability). Should I check with Kopp(sparky) if this is the appropiate time and topic to talk about the M.L.B. draft or should I wait til after the H.S. season? I just want to check?
Last edited by itsrosy
Originally posted by playhard:
Some of the names above are more likely candidates. My sleeper is Matt Mirabel C Mt. Carmel. hi 1.8 lo 1.9 pop 5plus - 6 arm -very strong body- great bat speed( fast hands ). More importantly he wants to go to pro out of h.s.(signability). Should I check with Kopp(sparky) if this is the appropiate time and topic to talk about the M.L.B. draft or should I wait til after the H.S. season? I just want to check?

Wow this guy must be good to have the pillar of amateur baseball scouting say his name on here. By the time you guys get done with him he should be a #1 draft pick.
Way to promote your guys!

I bet the scouts on here will flock at the very mention of some kids name that playhard says is good.

In fact, you should start a recruiting service and issue a magazine to lure kids in and tell them how they are going to be drafted?

Oh yeah and then hook up with a newspaper reporter so you can further the TT war machine and he will make it seem like you guys have all the good kids in the area. He would only report on your guys, so they get all the press.

You could only put your guys at the top and if kids dont play for you, put them down in the lists, making it seem like they cant go anywhere unless they play for TT.

Then really try and make it seem like you are not connected because that wouldnt be right. It would be impossible for other teams to be good and you guys would be the best.

I mean with the top coaching staff in the country, an amazing ability to recruit, evaluate and develop kids, you guys are sure to be unbeatable.

Oh man, you should run something like a top 50 or super 40 showcase or something and say they are the best kids in the state and invite everyone, but regardless of who comes, pass it off like it is a cant miss and all the best kids are there.

Wait one more, you could run camps for younger kids and get them involved in camps and showcases. Call them maybe, ID camps or evaluation camps or future. Something that makes it seem that if parents want to get their kids to college, they have to be in these and in our magazine.

Wow I think we are on to something! Man with your potential, it is unlimited.
Last edited by TheGreatTruth
Dear Mr. Great Truth, After 17 yrs. as a Professional Instructor with training over 100 D1 players and 40 Pros I would venture to say I know a little,just a little about the game.You wouldnt be around after 17 years if you weren't doing something right. Obviously,any good baseball man knows not to risk there reputation ranking one kid higher than the other kid. Why would I risk the great credibilty I have with major colleges amd MLB Clubs to ranks some kids and not others. You don't make sense.The colleges are going to see what I see. I do not own the PBR nor do I work for the PBR. You should get your facts straight. If you have some issues you would like to talk about feel free to reach me.
I guess playhard is a TT guy, not sure why that should matter though. I see everyone on here whether they are a HS coach or summer coach giving updates and only talking about the kids on their team all the time and nobody says anything. I also don't know why people rip on every single showcase out there. How can a showcase be bad? Nobody forces the kids to go, some aren't even that expensive. And whether there's 50 schools there or 1 if a kid ends up getting noticed because he went to it then it accomplished it's goal. I don't think there's enough of them. There's very few HS coaches that contact schools for their kids and the colleges don't want to go to individual games unless their really high on a kid, so a showcase might save them a trip. Not sure how anyone can say a showcase or a publication that helps kids get exposure can be bad. Last I checked there's not even a ton of TT guys on it, there's plenty more kids from other organizations all over that thing and in the top 20.
Somewhere on another thread, someone made the comment about the player being responsible for getting better, along with the parent.

In economics I seem to remember there was a latin term that meant "buyer beware."

It's one thing for a kid to buy into all the bad stuff Great Truth said about I'm guessing Todd Fine, PBR, Top Tier and MVP but it's quite another for parents to believe all those things. It's really pretty simple......have goals and keep them in mind when someone is telling you how great they are. I can tell you from my son's experience with all the above named, he was never lied to or promised anything and even after he no longer played for TT, they did a very nice feature that included him. And as for Todd Fine (if he is the one in question) he was the best pitching coach my son ever worked with (not to knock anyone else) and in fact rather than BS my kid, he was a very tough motivator along with his teaching.

One more thing......I'll never begrudge another person's success in business and if anyone thinks The TT Empire is the only one making a business of it, they are sadly mistaken. I'm just jealous because someone else has such a great job. more thing. Sean Duncan is a good guy. If you get the chance to talk to him (he is at lots of games) you'll find out as much.
Last edited by FastballDad
Not sure why TT or Hurricanes take such a beating on here. There's 10 other organizations that do the exact same thing, have their own showcases and fall leagues, multiple teams, etc. What's the AX to grind or why are these 2 any different than them? Thought this thread was about possible local draft picks, does anyone have any insight to that? Seems everyone has seen these kids at some point or another, any sleepers out there? I think Zych and Odorizzi are gonna go, whether they sign or not I am not sure. Wonder if Louisville will be upset by that.
Originally posted by FastballDad: more thing. Sean Duncan is a good guy. If you get the chance to talk to him (he is at lots of games) you'll find out as much.

FBD how would we recognize him maybe a TT hat with a Sun Times jacket passing out copies of PBR's Truth? Or maybe ah forget it it should not be hard to find him.
to Fastball dad The great truth is that the Sparks staff is the real deal if you want your kid looked at the only place around here that the scouts take seriously are the Sparks. The most respected official scout in the area is Sparky. This is known fact. why do you think all the top kids are flocking to the sparks it's because of Bill and his expertise and contacts. he pitched in the pros and coached d1 college ball. if he promises a kid a scholarship he delivers. unlike someother well known programs that don't back up the claims like bill. some people say too many stars not enough playing time, you will see how bill works the lineup all will be happy and all will land at good schools thanks to bill. bill could be coaching d1 teams right now but he chooses to work with the kids around here for practically nothing. the guy should be honored not sandbagged.
Last edited by spark-plug
Originally posted by spark-plug:
to Fastball dad The great truth is that the Sparks staff is the real deal if you want your kid looked at the only place around here that the scouts take seriously are the Sparks. The most respected official scout in the area is Sparky. This is known fact. why do you think all the top kids are flocking to the sparks it's because of Bill and his expertise and contacts. he pitched in the pros and coached d1 college ball. if he promises a kid a scholarship he delivers. unlike someother well known programs that don't back up the claims like bill. some people say too many stars not enough playing time, you will see how bill works the lineup all will be happy and all will land at good schools thanks to bill. bill could be coaching d1 teams right now but he chooses to work with the kids around here for practically nothing. the guy should be honored not sandbagged.

Spark Plug

You are a goofball but I'll respond. I have met Sparky and watched him go through a workout with his kids. I have no reason to doubt he is an excellent coach (even the "Real Deal" and he probably has "it" as well), and there are many here who would say as much. However, he never coached my son and thus I'll stick to my remarks about the other coach I mentioned. I never once said that Top Tier is the best place to put your kid....for some it is and some it isn't. The same probably goes for your Sparks as well.

He (Sparky)is one of the guys around who can help your kid get where he wants to be...maybe the best if there is such a thing.
IMO, Nick Martini is the best all around player in the state. And for all the talk about showcases, summer teams, exposure, etc. I think Braden Kapteyn is the next best player and to my knowledge he hasn't been to any PBR showcases, any of the major summer teams, and he is going to Kentucky. If I am wrong about him attending these showcases let me know. I am a supporter of showcases but it also proves if your good someone will see you and I am sure his HS coach recommended him to some things. There's so many good players though it's hard to pick one. This is in the Chicagoland area, because I think Odorizzi has the most upside and will get drafted the highest.
Originally posted by bystndr:
... it also proves if your good someone will see you...

I'm sorry, but it doesn't prove anything. Just because one kid got found without showcasing doesn't mean that proves that kids with talent will get found. Kids fall through the cracks all the time.
Last edited by CPLZ
you guys analyze every single sentence and take things out of context to start's the purpose of this I guess. Of course kids fall through the cracks, there's a million of them. I am just saying to those who think you have to be on the best travel team and go to all the showcases and be on the best HS team, etc, that there's an example of someone who hasn't and got noticed. There's plenty more I can name just giving you an example of a kid that's in the top 5 players according to PBR and hasn't attending one of their showcases to my knowledge, that's for those who think that publication only ranks people at their showcases. Showcases do help the kids though that fall through the cracks, there's also the juco option. I know alot of people look down on juco which I could never understand because the level of play is great and it helps you get noticed and work on your game.
Originally posted by bystndr:
you guys analyze every single sentence...Yes. If you wrote it, each sentence deserves to be read and anylized. and take things out of context to start arguements...If you say something patently untrue, you should expect it to be argued. It was well within context.....
Tell you guys a story....

A player down here, never started for his HS team, never played at all. He was a left handed pitcher and could not break a pane of glass. Through connections he went to a local Community College and I dont think he played much his Freshman year but his So year was throwing 84 and grew a ton. He then went to Mississippi and was throwing 90 his Junior year and went on to play in the Major Leagues for 16 years. At one point signed a $15/18 3 year contract with the Mariners, won a high of 16 games and a total of 121. Not bad for someone who fell thru the cracks. His name is Jeff Fassero

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