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while working out at the baseball academy, we were doing agility work and I planted and turned and my knee just felt like it gave out and i collapsed. i can walk relatively normal, yet it is very tight on the medial/back part of my knee and sometimes locks up.

the trainer at the school said its a possibly medial meniscus tear, and i am going to see a therapist in a couple of days.

i was just wondering if anyone knows anything about this sort of thing, and if there is any good news that it could possibly be something more like a sprain because i have showcases coming up that are going to be tough to miss.

any help or info would be greatly appreciated
(and im doing the basic ice and advil for now)
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I'm no doctor but I've had knee surgery for what was thought to be a meniscus tear. Turns out I had an 8mm hole in my femur where the cartilage and bone were torn away in a freak accident playing with my kids. Man, I guess I am old.

Read this...

"What are the symptoms of an ACL tear?
An ACL tear most often occurs during sporting activities when an athlete suddenly pivots causing excessive rotational forces on the ligament. Other mechanisms that can cause an ACL tear include severe trauma and work injuries. Individuals who experience ACL tears usually describe a feeling of the joint giving out, or buckling--patients also often say they hear a "pop."

Signs you may have sustained an ACL tear:

o Sudden giving way of the knee
o Hearing a 'pop' at the time of injury
o Sudden swelling of the knee joint
o Pain in the knee when walking "

You most likely will need an MRI. I had one after my injury a couple years ago, but it was inconclusive. They had to scope it to really find out what was wrong. I hope your injury is not osteo-related since those injuries are much harder to recover from. A meniscus tear is relatively easy to recover from. I was non-weight-bearing for 6 weeks then crutches for another 4 or 5 weeks. It was the worst time of my life.

Best wishes for a quick recovery.

I did pretty much the same thing as you did (planted and twisted) and had similar side effects (knee locking-up and giving out). My doctor told me that it was probably meniscus tear. As you can imagine I freaked out, but only to find out that I had osgood shlaughter's. I really don't have the time and credibilty to explain exactly what that is, but you can look that up on google. Osgood Shlaughter's is not serious at just hurts pretty bad.

I probably spelled the osgood shlaughter's wrong

This is not at all a diagnosis, so I would see a qualified doctor that deals with sports injuries. I strongly reccommend an MRI.

Hope this helps,

hey just to let you all know i prayed really really hard about this and understood gods reason of the injury because i had become too much about myself when playing instead of playing for his glory.

well the doctor did tests on it said nothing was torn and everything was alright. this was just after being told that my meniscus was most likely torn and possibly messed up my mcl. it was the greatest news to hear and God truly answers prayers.

thank you all for your care and advice

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