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Just to let all the ladies in the lounge know how great this site is, I wanted to fill you in on an adventure. This coming week-end (3/4-6), there will be (what I believe to be) a record number of HSBBW moms getting together in one place.

Several west coast moms (123KMOM, URKillingMeBlue, CatchMm, MrandMrsBaseball, DB2BMom, and yours truly) and an Easterner (luvbb) who will be coming for a tourney, are going to take in a college week-end series, have a giant week-end slumber party, dine, and share adult beverages together. We all "met" here on HSBBW ... some of us have had the pleasure of meeting personally already, but several of us have only communicated via the internet. I know I can speak for EVERY ONE OF US that we are thrilled to have made such wonderful friends here and are all looking forward to a great time.

I know many HSBBWebsters have met in the past, but I honestly don't remember reading anywhere on this board about such a large "pre-union" of websters in one location.

Just thought you all would enjoy knowing this ... the connections and friendships we have made have brought all of us enjoyment, as well as much needed support in situations concerning our sons that "non-baseball" folk just don't understand.
Mary Ann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [i]"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 [8/21/08][/i]
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Only a couple more days...gotta get started packing! LOL. I was thinking what MY reaction would be if my SON told me "Hey mom, I'm going to fly out to California to hang out with some people I met on the internet!" LOL. Red flags would be flying! LOL. Now, just to are all really MOM'S....aren't you?????? LOL
Kathy ...

Of course we are ... haven't you been able to tell from all our comments and mail exchanges and tears and cheers for our boys? Besides, I think everybody in the group has talked to at least 2 other people in the group via telephone ... so if we had a troll in disguise, someone would have alerted the rest of us.

Starting to pack ... penguin slippers the first items in the suitcase ...
Ladies, I am SO sorry that I won't be joining the LL pre-union, except that you know the reason I can't come is that I will be watching my son's team's VERY FIRST EVER IN A WHOLE LIFETIME COLLEGE BASEBALL GAMES! ! ! ! !
greenjump 08 clap greenjump walk

Can you tell I'm a little excited?! Have a wonderful time, and you can EACH drink one glass for me - that's about the right amount!
I am soooooo bummed! After pages and pages of e-mails Mrs. Baseball and I were going to finally meet in person this weekend. But the games got moved due to St. Mary's field being under water. She'll be in the Bay Area and I'll be in San Diego. Boo-hoo.

UPDATE!! Mrs. Baseball has changed her ticket and is coming to San Diego!!! We'll get to have our pre-union too. It doesn't get much better. Baseball, our boys, and old friends that we've never met!!
Last edited by MOM X 4
I am really looking forward to this weekend, but want to include the HSBBWeb men that might be making an appearance, too (at the game only, of course :-)). What a great opportunity to put a 'face to a name (or handle)' and use this as an opportunity to say thanks once again for a (relatively) safe place to fuel our passion for baseball! All who love the HSBBWeb are welcome!
Howdy from the Left Coast with special greetings from URKillingMeBlue, CatchMm, 123KMOM, luvbb, and moi.

Missed a game yesterday due to weather but bright sun-shiney day for today;'s game. Doubleheader tmr, when we will get to meet up with DB2BMom for lunch and game.

Said hello to "justbaseball" as well.

Hope all is well with everybidy around the country.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Just an update from the Southern California Pre-union. My RHP and Mrs. Baseball's RHP both are wearing #28 AND even wierder, they both got their WCC debut in the 8th! Her #28 had an awesome inning. Mine???... noidea I'd been doing so well up to now. Stayed in my seat and tried to be sooo collected, but no more I'm going to have go back to finding a hill waaaaaaay above the field to start pacing. Where I can say what I really want to say and not offend anyone.

THANK YOU for organizing our first LL weekend! The dinning and party in San Francisco was perfect and the baseball at Sunken Diamond was special due to the wonderful chat in the bleachers!

It was wonderful meeting URKillingMeBlue,, CatchMm, DB2BMom, and LuvBB! A spectacular group of baseball moms clap

MrandMrsBaseball ... we missed you! Congrats on your son's excellent debut and so happy you were in attendance! It's all about Memories!

And remember ladies...what happens in Frisco...stays in Frisco! Wink

PS LuvBB caught a foul ball that should be on the ESPN highlights greenjump
Another SoCal mom made it home in one piece ... a little tired but no worse for the wear.

The weather, accomodations, dining, and of course, the all important baseball games, were a delight, but nothing was better than spending the week-end with wonderful friends from the HSBBW. There was more than one occasion when we toasted BOB for making it all happen.

It was also great to meet up with CalBB, justbaseball, and as I understand it, infielddad stopped by but I missed meeting him. SB2BMom joined us for a wonderful lunch at Bella Luna in Palo Alto, then stayed through both games of the double-header before her very long drive home. (I guess if you aren't a baseball parent, it is difficult to explain.)

If anybody ever has a chance to do something similar, take it from all of us ... it is well worth the effort and expense to have such a wonderful week-end.

By the way, 123KMOM ... you got it ... it's ALL staying there. And thanks, too, for the "wake up" calls along the way home ... you are a wonderful friend.
URKillingMeBlue,, CatchMm, 123KMom, and LuvBB...

Ladies, especially FBM, thanks sooo much for the invite!

The lunch was great, the day was beautiful and couldn't have been more perfect for a double-header and hanging out with new friends! There was lots of fun and laughter.

It was well worth the drive and we must do it again!

I got to meet CALBB, justbaseball and infielddad (minus the antlers).

Justbb - I wore blue but had a cardinal sweatshirt with me too as a backup. Big Grin

p.s. luvbb is collecting baseballs from the different conferences so the foul ball she caught was the first for her collection. Although she claims it was all in self-defense, she made a great catch!
Sounds like everyone had a GREAT time in San Fran.......I'm still super bummed I missed out.

But DID get to meet Momx4 who is VERY nice. As she said, both our sons got into their first WCC game, which was very cool and they both did a fine job. Her son by the way, is a very handsome ballplayer.
No Need to pace T. You were the epitome of composure. clap

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