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Nice to meet you dw8man

Correct I only wanted an answer to the original post. But since you guys think this is about playing time I have to say your all mistakin. You can say my kid sucks all you want and make it look like your talking about something else that happened or made up it makes no difference. He will still do what he is doing my wife will still do what she is doing and I will still do what I want to do. Hate me for it I dont care.

My advice to everyone, before you bash someone or someones family for something they have done reguardless of what it is, you might want to think about, Do I know the complete situation and am I productivly answering a question that can help this person or family. They might not know the rules and there is nothing wrong with that. Thats why we are all here. To Get Information that is CORRECT.

So if you have given me information about the original post then thank you very much.
Originally posted by dw8man:
Okay, I have to side with GsKaWa here.

He asked a simple question and a previous post from a different thread was thrown up at him. IMO, it was done in a hostile and agressive way which does happen on this site.

Yes, there are a ton of great and knowledgeable people on this site and have offered tons of great advice. However, some really like to cram it down other's throat.

GsKaWa, my advice. You got your answer. Walk away from this site for a few days and let this thread die. Once your blood has stopped boiling, come back because you'll be better for it!

Gotta go with a +1 on this post......just wish I would have caught the other thread...or maybe I did and just can't remember....oh well, lets move on.
Most things said during this thread seem to lack politeness IMO. The very same replies could have been made differently. I don't really care, because I enjoy heated debate except those I'm part of.

I think the suggestions made are correct. I just think the same thing could have been said in a different way. When words like "mommy" are used I can see how someone could get defensive. Nothing wrong with the word "mommy" in some cases, but sometimes it is used in a negative way. (like it was here)

That said, it gets kind of boring around here when everyone is nice.

Boring? Being nice is boring? What makes you such a know-it-all when it comes to boring? And being nice? Did you learn all of that from your mommy? Sheese!

By the way...are you still coming over for dinner? I've been slaving away in the kitchen all day. You had better get your taste buds awake cuz' they're in for a culinary charge beyond their wildest imagination. Feast your eyes PG...

Be prepared to be carted outta' here after dinner. Boring? Too nice? No way!


Last edited by gotwood4sale
I admit that I love a heated arguement also but if it pretains to the topic. This one was so far out of baseline the umpire though the runner was just going to the dugout. I have lots of baseball knowledge myself and I have been the Coach for a team that has gone to state, but that doesn't mean I know everything about the OHSAA Rulebook and how the High School Programs work. As a coach I have never had a problem with a parent that would result in sitting a player unless that player done something to rate himself to sit the bench, and I have had to deal with some very unknowlegable parents. One thing I never have ever done was bash a parent for their kid not being as good as a player as the they think they should be or not knowing the OHSAA Rulebook or Little League Rulebook for that matter. Thanks everybody
Originally posted by RJM:
When words like "mommy" are used I can see how someone could get defensive.
I used "mommy" to make a point. The boy is in high school. It's time for the hand holding to stop. A parent calling on behalf of a player is hand holding.

You keep rubbing it in about "mommy" and you say that your a mature adult but some parents are going to do what they want no matter what you, I , or anybody else says. Whether you think its hand holding or not, which I think it is also, has no matter on the original question that was asked in this thread. Thats why I keep lashing out at you personally. Go rip me apart on the other thread. This one is about legalities not playtime!
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
Originally posted by RJM:
When words like "mommy" are used I can see how someone could get defensive.
I used "mommy" to make a point. The boy is in high school. It's time for the hand holding to stop. A parent calling on behalf of a player is hand holding.

You keep rubbing it in about "mommy" and you say that your a mature adult but some parents are going to do what they want no matter what you, I , or anybody else says. Whether you think its hand holding or not, which I think it is also, has no matter on the original question that was asked in this thread. Thats why I keep lashing out at you personally. Go rip me apart on the other thread. This one is about legalities not playtime!
I was responding to PG. You need to chill out.
Originally posted by junior5:
I'm sorry you have not received the responses you were looking for but soon you will realize that on this site many people are proud of the ways they do things the "right way". Any post that they see as a person not working hard and whining (not saying your son or family is doing this)they will give advice in what seems to be a very negative manner. I have received some of this negative advice and it is hard to take without getting intense. I have also gone back and looked at these posts and realized that I needed every bit of advice. I'm right there with you, I wish people had a better way of getting their point across but if they gift wrapped it and put a bow on it I on't think many people would learn what they were doing wrong.

Good advice to pass on, I know that you took a slight beating when you first came here.

I realize that you were just looking for an answer to your question, but I hope by now that you will understand that with the title of this topic, your post and the one from another topic and the circumstances of your wife calling to complain, it does appear that you and she might feel that your son was slighted and you were trying to find out if the coach may have been in violation of rules. BTW if a possible infraction did occur that would have been on the coach not your son and you should NOT be involved in explaining things to parents, that is NOT your job, if they have an issue, let them go to the coach.

I read this over a few times and it might just be that the coach placed your son in a better situation, so he could get more playing time, not as punishment. Regardless, as you go forward you will learn that your wife should not have done what she did, and perhaps you can help her to understand how it works so she will not be disappointed if this should happen again, on another team, at the next level. You need to explain it's not her game, and that your son can take care of his own business.

On another note, sometimes it's best to act as a guest in someone elses hone until you become familiar with the residents. My suggestion would be to go back and reread the entire post, it night help to put things in perspective.

This isn't your normal site where one asks a question and gets a quick answer, I guess if you stick around long enough you will learn that and you learn more than you can imagine about HS baseball, college recruiting and learning to let go.

I have no issue with RJM using the word "mommy" juat as long as he uses "daddy" when he has to make a point. Big Grin

FWIW, it's ALL about playtime, if your son was playing mom wouldn't have called the coach, and the coach would not have placed your son in the freshman team, you wouldn't have had the need to come here and ask the question and get dumped on. Right?!
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by junior5:
I'm sorry you have not received the responses you were looking for but soon you will realize that on this site many people are proud of the ways they do things the "right way". Any post that they see as a person not working hard and whining (not saying your son or family is doing this)they will give advice in what seems to be a very negative manner. I have received some of this negative advice and it is hard to take without getting intense. I have also gone back and looked at these posts and realized that I needed every bit of advice. I'm right there with you, I wish people had a better way of getting their point across but if they gift wrapped it and put a bow on it I on't think many people would learn what they were doing wrong.

Good advice to pass on, I know that you took a slight beating when you first came here.

I realize that you were just looking for an answer to your question, but I hope by now that you will understand that with the title of this topic, your post and the one from another topic and the circumstances of your wife calling to complain, it does appear that you and she might feel that your son was slighted and you were trying to find out if the coach may have been in violation of rules. BTW if a possible infraction did occur that would have been on the coach not your son and you should NOT be involved in explaining things to parents, that is NOT your job, if they have an issue, let them go to the coach.

I read this over a few times and it might just be that the coach placed your son in a better situation, so he could get more playing time, not as punishment. Regardless, as you go forward you will learn that your wife should not have done what she did, and perhaps you can help her to understand how it works so she will not be disappointed if this should happen again, on another team, at the next level. You need to explain it's not her game, and that your son can take care of his own business.

On another note, sometimes it's best to act as a guest in someone elses hone until you become familiar with the residents. My suggestion would be to go back and reread the entire post, it night help to put things in perspective.

This isn't your normal site where one asks a question and gets a quick answer, I guess if you stick around long enough you will learn that and you learn more than you can imagine about HS baseball, college recruiting and learning to let go.

I have no issue with RJM using the word "mommy" juat as long as he uses "daddy" when he has to make a point. Big Grin

FWIW, it's ALL about playtime, if your son was playing mom wouldn't have called the coach, and the coach would not have placed your son in the freshman team, you wouldn't have had the need to come here and ask the question and get dumped on. Right?!

Thanks, but the answer to the question was, "No"
After all of this heated discussion on whether a Sophomore can play on the Freshman team, I would like to appologize if I have PO'ed anyone here. That was never my intention and I was also not trying to undermind or disrespect anyone's ways.

I never have talken to a coach about anything that my son has been involved with just thanked them for their time after the games nothing more. My wife on the otherhand has a mind and phone of her own. Your very right on consequences of calling a coach and there is no way of me knowing if his playing time was compromised from her call. Maybe, I dont know. Never the less I go watch my kid, whether he is starting in the game or warming up pitchers, sitting the bench having fun getting into the game, or being the coaches gopher. I know there is a ladder to climb and so does he.

I am just finding out from what the Head Varsity Coach at the school said to the team at the recient team meeting there is not and was not a Freshman team at our school. All 3 teams have been loosing alot of games lately so 3 Freshman have gone all the way up to the Varsity Level for the weekend and 3 Varsity Players went down to the old Freshamn/JV "B" Team. My son went back up to the JV "A" Team. The original question was to see if there was a rule about anyone other than a Freshman allowed to play on the Freshman team. As there is no rule just a Good Faith Virtual Handshake between coaches that your not trying to play a Varsity Squad vs. a JV "B" team.

Thanks again for all of your responces.

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