That's why some player are gamers and others showcasers. About your remarks of pitchers being lightyears ahead, well it all depend, what kind of H.S player your are talking about.
Here in Florida the best and most competitive season for any H.S. player is the fall wooden bat scout team season about 35 games in 6 to 8 weeks, not summer ball, or Connie Mack. Scout Teams have to play against Jucos Florida Colleges, and most pitchers throw mid 80's to low 90's, but not every elite player, play in the fall..I don't know why. I know of a few players whom played last fall for a central Florida scout team, and had the opportunity to show their true colors, in game situation...I call those players Gamers.
The others the showcasers, do not hit well in live games, but they are pretty good at BP.
Some organizations seem not to pay to much attention to our fall scout team season, here, I think they should.
Pro-Scouts do, that is why they have The Florida Diamond Club Showcase, in Novembre, by MLB.