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2025 HS son has focused on eating and lifting this fall. He is on a 12 week plan. Seems to be working well. First 6 weeks results, Max out at 6 weeks and 12 weeks: Power clean +30, Bench +50, Squat +60, Deadlift +60. Now that Camp season is over for him. He has cut back his throwing to 3 times a week of light throwing out to about 160ft to stay loose. He is hitting almost everyday working on consistency. Changing up his swing more away from pull power to LD gap to gap (recommendation he heard from camps).

My son will be doing "active rest" and will begin ramping it up mid-December. While home he said he wants to hit the gym hard and the S&A coach as well. It looks like I'll be saving money on BP though since he isn't really planning on hitting anymore. He also wants to work on slider grips while playing catch. This will likely result in a broken bone in my foot or a deep bone bruise at a minimum.

My son hits every day. He also does some form of weight training daily. He does sprint workouts two to three times a week. Whether it be up a hill or on a field. He works on flexibilty/mobility daily (this is something we regularly do as a family while watching His focus is on maintaining/improving speed, getting stronger and gaining weight. Seems to be working as what he's lifting is increasing. He weighs and tracks his protein intake and has put on 8lbs in 6 months. Does anyone know of a brand of dress pants for a guy with quads and a butt? We usually buy golf pants because they stretch, but even those are getting a bit too snug in the butt and thighs. Don't want to have to deal with alterations if I can avoid it.

@Master P and @adbono we are actively trying to give some of our weight/calories to our son every day. He is eating 4800 a day to get to his goal weight. We probably need to eat 12-17 a day to get to ours. 😂

So far, other than eating, his offseason has been been lifting and stretching around 3 hrs a day. Sunday he's adding cage work back in. He also wants to do some cold weather outdoor hitting but I think that will be a bit later. He wants to figure out the best way to stay comfortable/productive in cold weather.

@Momball11 posted:

My son hits every day. He also does some form of weight training daily. He does sprint workouts two to three times a week. Whether it be up a hill or on a field. He works on flexibilty/mobility daily (this is something we regularly do as a family while watching His focus is on maintaining/improving speed, getting stronger and gaining weight. Seems to be working as what he's lifting is increasing. He weighs and tracks his protein intake and has put on 8lbs in 6 months. Does anyone know of a brand of dress pants for a guy with quads and a butt? We usually buy golf pants because they stretch, but even those are getting a bit too snug in the butt and thighs. Don't want to have to deal with alterations if I can avoid it.

My son is the same way. Adidas golf pants have been the best I’ve found for him. Under Armour would also be pretty good.

@PTWood posted:

@Master P and @adbono we are actively trying to give some of our weight/calories to our son every day. He is eating 4800 a day to get to his goal weight. We probably need to eat 12-17 a day to get to ours. 😂

So far, other than eating, his offseason has been been lifting and stretching around 3 hrs a day. Sunday he's adding cage work back in. He also wants to do some cold weather outdoor hitting but I think that will be a bit later. He wants to figure out the best way to stay comfortable/productive in cold weather.

What type of stretching?  Does he have a guideline?  Just thinking about something form my 2027 who could use this.

Rambo:  when Mike Diaz lived in Santa Rosa, we conducted Baseball clinics at SRJC and SSU 1986-89. He also played on our Cubs Scout team.

Before Mike departed for Spring Training with the Pirates.

His favorite drill was the  "high tee" for developing "carry" of the batted ball.

Later after his signing with the Japan team, we incorporated the Japanese training to the clinics.


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@Momball11 posted:

Does anyone know of a brand of dress pants for a guy with quads and a butt? We usually buy golf pants because they stretch, but even those are getting a bit too snug in the butt and thighs. Don't want to have to deal with alterations if I can avoid it.

Look for "athletic fit". There are a few companies who got started catering  to weight lifters, and expanded from there. My son likes Bonobos. They're expensive but very well made and fit great. They also have online sales all the time. They have fitting shops in many larger cities.

Once fall practices are done, the off season goal is to identify weaknesses in his throwing arm and working on strengthening those. He just entered an NIL deal with He has just completed his first round of testing to identify the strengths and weaknesses in his arm. He had a call with them today to go over the results and what the strengthening plan will look like. I was actually talking to him about doing the program before he got into the NIL mix with them. So nice timing on that. I will be interested to see the results if he follows their program as prescribed.

Son is working out a lot--doing something with his hips???  I'm thrilled because we run a community newspaper and he's picked up sports coverage for us in his free time. Learning a lot about volleyball and soccer and still sticking with it. It's fun to work with my son and find out that somewhere along the way he learned to write.

Also a Lulu guy.

The knucklehead came home last weekend with some of his teammates/roommates to celebrate his 19th birthday. His offseason was barely a week and I thought he already looked bigger, he told me he was about 195. He mentioned he has a very good relationship with the SC coach at school and they have a really good collaborative partnership in regards to his S&C as some of his teammates are fine with a cookie cutter program. He took the weekend off from hitting/lifting to go "thrifting" in the day and experience the Manhattan nightlife, they came home before 2AM so I guessed he was not given entry to the speakeasys. For me, I was able play a few rounds of golf and I got the bug big time, even purchased a few clubs that irritated the better half. He called me the other day to tell me his Spring course load, as parent I was beaming, but I did secretly admit to the spouse I was concerned about the rigor and time commitment for the sport in season, but this is his journey and I understand why he want to do it this way as he wants to go abroad in the fall where he will play baseball in Europe??(really?)  and go to school and take fluff courses and he only has a limited of them left.


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