TR, I greatly admire what you do as well as many here, if not all, at HSBBW. We are one big extended family and I view you all as winners and my heros as I have pointed out in Frapper. If you will notice the number of people who have joined up lately and the number continues to grow and sorry but I personally don't see anybody leaving....Quite the opposite....People are coming...By the droves...And Oh by the way...There's one more thing...You would be really surprised at some of the baseball people who are already here incognito as guests as well as members. Some of the more outspoken and testy posters would prolly tone it down a notch, IMHO. Not my job to point out who...Moderators do a fine job of that......
I have always pretty much said what I think which sometimes opens myself up for criticism and I believe TR and I are a lot alike in that regard which can be a blessing or a curse but one thing I can say when I lay my head down at night is....That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it and I'm not cowering down if I feel strongly enough in what I am standing up for or matter what...